Originally posted by Kyutake:Miracle, get this straight. If u ask whether im big i would say i am big enough to know you are plain bullshit.
When i respect your post, you flamed. So blame yourself when i trolled. I tried to prevent this guy from flaming christians. you christians come flame me back.
Hey so give you one reality check ok?
i am at the very least understandable to certain things in life and not blinded by God's faith. So to me myself im big. cause this is my life and its my story not yours. Whose eyes are you loooking out from today? yours? if it aint mine do not show pride and wrath.
Learn you 6 sins before you come blabbering.
o..o wow. Lets see God save you all when he never saved me.
God? cheh.
Jerry, you are the smart alec. What machine what man what talking you.
And my grammer is bad so is my vocab, you got a problem with that? run out of points to argue that you have to poke into other places? Let me give a place to poke, your mother's.
Originally posted by Kyutake:Ok i have proved my point.
It was an enactment to what people would do to flame a thread like this.
Christian or not you have to understand its public.
Respect religion Respect Faith...
Oh and btw Chin Eng and Xalkyrie.
I have studied with a professor from isreal in the pass and so i and him researched on the history of christianity.
Facts or lies i won't claim but evidence which are physical can never lie yea.
Every human is equal irregardless of what religion you believe in. Hardships are not only faced by christians. You want hardships? Try india or africa. What is your hardship compared to those who lived in the slums and poverty?
Try comparing your bible the words and context with real history.
And as i was saying. The name moses came out after "moses" Which when moses had that name he was a son of nothingness.
Its hard to accept the truth. But accept it. Bible is made from man by the words of a god. And if we are made in God's image and likeness thus God should not be omnipotent but someone who makes mistakes too. Learn it, accept it. Live with it.
Its your faith that i don't judge. Im just here to let some idiot understand what it is about to start a thread like this.
An idiot calling another an idiot?
And it kinda takes an idiot to notice that too idiot.
Originally posted by Kyutake:And it kinda takes an idiot to notice that too idiot.
Ok. I'm an idiot. You are a bigger idiot !
cause you never trust in God in the First place.
and you can't understand a simple word that i type..
i will pray for you. hoping you can see the light 1 day
Originally posted by dumbdumb!:hmm. not exactly written,
i was actually looking at the increasing occurances of wars and rumours of wars, and that there are more new viruses poppng up, and hints of new world order in the news, oh and that cashless transaction is getting more and more common (the new ezlink card)
but i believe we'll all be hated (for the right reasons) also.
Originally posted by Miracles&Prophecies:Chill out Kyutake none of us is trying to get you. I believe God will save you Kyutake. He will...pray for me when he does.
I will pray for your well being tonight. I know you are a good person inside. I'm sorry if I hurt your feeling. I sincerely apologize.
The world is full of hurt people and hatred let's not add to the wound of this world lest we want to make the father of all evil happy but to be a tool for healing and reconciliation. Because we hold the name of Jesus who is our savior and who died for our sins so that we may be saved though we were sinners and still now aren't perfect. Whose commandments is a foolish thing to the people of this world.
Accepted. Im sorry for any offences i have caused too. Thanks but no thanks. Praying cant save a dying man like me.
Originally posted by Miracles&Prophecies:
Not true dumdumb among other verses,
2 Peter 3:3-4
But first you must realize that in the last days some people won't think about anything except their own selfish desires. They will make fun of you and say: "Didn't your Lord promise to come back? Yet the first leaders have already died, and the world hasn't changed a bit."
i stand corrected. =)
apparently, this is rather true in this age..
you know, in all honesty, i find part of myself looking forward to judgement day, and to see the scoffers turn pale at the error of their words and decisions..
i've been struggling the past few weeks, asking God why does He tolerates these mockers, and why do I have to suffer them.
but, God loves them also.
He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
if that's God's heart, then I should be thankful for such a loving God, because I enjoy that same love also.
also, I chanced upon this:
27"The owner's servants came to him and said, 'Sir, didn't you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?'
28" 'An enemy did this,' he replied.
"The servants asked him, 'Do you want us to go and pull them up?'
29" 'No,' he answered, 'because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. 30Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.' "
God tolerates mockers, but He won't take action yet because the time isn't right.
Originally posted by dumbdumb!:i stand corrected. =)
apparently, this is rather true in this age..
you know, in all honesty, i find part of myself looking forward to judgement day, and to see the scoffers turn pale at the error of their words and decisions..
i've been struggling the past few weeks, asking God why does He tolerates these mockers, and why do I have to suffer them.
but, God loves them also.
He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
if that's God's heart, then I should be thankful for such a loving God, because I enjoy that same love also.
also, I chanced upon this:
The Parable of the Weeds
24Jesus told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.
27"The owner's servants came to him and said, 'Sir, didn't you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?'
28" 'An enemy did this,' he replied.
"The servants asked him, 'Do you want us to go and pull them up?'29" 'No,' he answered, 'because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. 30Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.' "
God tolerates mockers, but He won't take action yet because the time isn't right.
When death comes knocking my dear friend. Your face will be the same as the scoffers.
Fact. Your 20 times more likely to be wiped out by an asteriod then to be strike by lighting.
Originally posted by Kyutake:Accepted. Im sorry for any offences i have caused too. Thanks but no thanks. Praying cant save a dying man like me.
I did not quote my sentence Mira... Dying not literal. but real.
Originally posted by Kyutake:I did not quote my sentence Mira... Dying not literal. but real.
Originally posted by Kyutake:When death comes knocking my dear friend. Your face will be the same as the scoffers.
Fact. Your 20 times more likely to be wiped out by an asteriod then to be strike by lighting.
but i'm not concerned with how i act in the process of dying, but what happens after i am dead.
Originally posted by Kyutake:Jerry, you are the smart alec. What machine what man what talking you.
And my grammer is bad so is my vocab, you got a problem with that? run out of points to argue that you have to poke into other places? Let me give a place to poke, your mother's.
who's Jerry???
Originally posted by Kyutake:I did not quote my sentence Mira... Dying not literal. but real.
don't be an ass..... we are ALL dying!!!
Originally posted by Chin Eng:
don't be an ass..... we are ALL dying!!!
Originally posted by Miracles&Prophecies:
No Chin Eng not all the people are dying. We all will die but not all of us are dying now. I think he meant what he wrote.
hmm. for someone who's dying he certainly is fiesty. good for him, rofl.
Again, a mei wan mei liao thread. ha ha ha hahaha! Waste time!
the most painful time of man is right before our deaths. we will be on our beds suffering. we will be thinking what we have done in the past, things we regret doing and not doing. it is during that time that we will truly need to repent. a true believer knows where he will be taken. but for a non believer, their final hours and the decision they make during this time is extremely crucial. that is also God's grace, because some might never be able to make this decision.
I cheated death once, im just living on borrowed time.
how long could ever a man like me with an incurable illness survive?
I have taken lives. Should i still be allowed into the kingdom of heaven?
No.. Im a sinner and a murderer. Not saints like anyone of you here.
Yes im fiesty so what, like chin eng so blantly said everyone is dying.
Correction to what you meant would be people will die one day yes?
All i can do is live my life the way it is.
Medication and treatment. What more could i have to save my life once again?
Pact with the devil?
Originally posted by Kyutake:I cheated death once, im just living on borrowed time.
how long could ever a man like me with an incurable illness survive?
I have taken lives. Should i still be allowed into the kingdom of heaven?
No.. Im a sinner and a murderer. Not saints like anyone of you here.
Yes im fiesty so what, like chin eng so blantly said everyone is dying.
Correction to what you meant would be people will die one day yes?
All i can do is live my life the way it is.
Medication and treatment. What more could i have to save my life once again?
Pact with the devil?
Originally posted by Kyutake:I cheated death once, im just living on borrowed time.
how long could ever a man like me with an incurable illness survive?
I have taken lives. Should i still be allowed into the kingdom of heaven?
No.. Im a sinner and a murderer. Not saints like anyone of you here.
Yes im fiesty so what, like chin eng so blantly said everyone is dying.
Correction to what you meant would be people will die one day yes?
All i can do is live my life the way it is.
Medication and treatment. What more could i have to save my life once again?
Pact with the devil?
i was a liar, thief, adulterer, blasphemer. i'm not even a saint to begin with. whoever says he/she doesn't sins is the greatest liar of all.
if you think you are too sinful for God to accept you then you must understand how merciful God is. "the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to ever-lasting upon them that fear him" (Psalm 103:17). God was merciful to King David and forgave him when he committed adultery and murder. He forgave Moses when he committed murder. He also forgave Saul of Tarsus for murdering Christians (Acts 22:4).
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Romans 10:13 Jesus shed His blood on the cross to pay for our sins. It is a gift, a choice to be made from you is to accept it or don't. The forgiveness that is in Jesus Christ is conditional upon repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a gift that God offers to everyone, but you must receive it by repenting and trusting in Christ, or you will remain dead in your sins.
wait. how the hell kyutake know im jerry.
Are you babelfish?