For concerned christians out there, what do you think of europe future declining birth rate and church falling attendence...will europe lose her faith and turn muslim by middle of this century?
Europe is already losing its Christian faith. Christianity is already moving away from Europe-centric to be global-centric. I believe China's and East Asia's Christain combined is far numerical than the European counterparts.
In Britain, there is this case of a nurse who prayed for dying patient but the media and public made a big deal out of it. She was not secular enough - Britain and its ppl believe in upholding its secularity at all cost.
The hospital sacked her. She fought against the hospital and the govt, took her case all the way up to the high court.
What about America? Is America any better?
There is no such thing as 'GOD'.But there are human;if you have been reading my message or saw this.You are indeed ahuman begin with red color blood flow in your body.Therefore ,i urge everyone of them to stand up for humanity against the craps of nonsense and insanity of christainity .secondly; i urge you diligentily to stop pronation of your hand with dollars to supination hands of crapping idoits who increasing of their own wealth by just opening their mouth to talk craps.Finally,i urge you to believe in yourself of begin who you are and what you are,science and social pyscholoy .The further is in your hand for the sake of human race.ONCE against i urge the entire population of human race to stand up and resistant this bullshit and holycrap religion.they are the money sucker and hunger wolf.They don't even know whether they will or will not go a better place after dead.what they know is bullshit from the so call bible written by man? I diligent urge you not to believe in them and begin manipulated by them.
o how do you know that after that dead you will go to a better place?Have you been there before?do you have any evidence to support or just by one book that written by man who distorted some true and manpulate others with bullshit?Not even a single christian can ans that?Neither do the don't go around and preach that there is GOD and all sort of bullshit.there will be a better place after dead.
Originally posted by Joolead:Not even a single christian can ans that? Neither do the don't go around and preach that there is GOD and all sort of bullshit.there will be a better place after dead.
so.... if Christians cannot answer whether there is a God or not.... and because of that, Christians should not go around preaching there is God....
and neither do the non-believers can prove that there is no god.... so the natural conclusion herein is, non-believer should also NOT go around preaching that there is no god....
just my thought...
Originally posted by Chin Eng:so.... if Christians cannot answer whether there is a God or not.... and because of that, Christians should not go around preaching there is God....
and neither do the non-believers can prove that there is no god.... so the natural conclusion herein is, non-believer should also NOT go around preaching that there is no god....
just my thought...
why not since the farking christian like to preach about why can't the none believer oso preach about there is NO GOD.
.for human race; mankind shall be a waken with the true that there is NOT SUCH THING AS GOD .It shalln't be the way that human and man live with a book and other that manipulating them into the way they live.They sahll live the way as they are .No some stupid and navie brainwash people.Cherish the current and enjoy the life to the full with meaningful thing.
Originally posted by Joolead:
why not since the farking christian like to preach about why can't the none believer oso preach about there is NO GOD..for human race; mankind shall be a waken with the true that there is NOT SUCH THING AS GOD .It shalln't be the way that human and man live with a book and other that manipulating them into the way they live.They sahll live the way as they are .No some stupid and navie brainwash people.Cherish the current and enjoy the life to the full with meaningful thing.
exactly...! the christian will always preach the existence of God and the non-believer will always preach the absence of God..... all you ranting (even in bad English) will not do anything. you are just wasting you time and your aggravation, which may I suggest can be put into good use by learning how to spell properly.....
why cannnot bad english cannot rant...Don 't tell me your queen angmo is really that powderful.just because read the frkg book..the stupid book and got brainwash..farkg spider.
christian frq sore loser when they lose their ground they make comment about other pple poor
Originally posted by Joolead:why cannnot bad english cannot rant...Don 't tell me your queen angmo is really that powderful.just because read the frkg book..the stupid book and got brainwash..farkg spider.
anyone can rant.... but anyone who wants to make a point, should do so succinctly, otherwise you'd just come off like a clown, the way you do now. don't take it the wrong way.... this is not an insult, it's just giving you some feedback.... take it or leave it, it does not matter.
btw.... reading the bible does not exactly help one's English..... just so you know.
Originally posted by Joolead:christian frq sore loser when they lose their ground they make comment about other pple poor
errr..... did i start to argue with you about theology???? what you believe or not is not really my problem... i don't care....
you don't believe in god...? i don't care....
you think christians are idiots...? i don't care...
you want atheists to take over the world....? i don't care...
but.... as an advice... repeating a badly composed sentence over many forum, interspersed with poor spelling..... just make you look like you missed your medication.
Originally posted by 4sg:Europe is already losing its Christian faith. Christianity is already moving away from Europe-centric to be global-centric. I believe China's and East Asia's Christain combined is far numerical than the European counterparts.
In Britain, there is this case of a nurse who prayed for dying patient but the media and public made a big deal out of it. She was not secular enough - Britain and its ppl believe in upholding its secularity at all cost.
The hospital sacked her. She fought against the hospital and the govt, took her case all the way up to the high court.
That's right. WE Brits reformed the church and we made it different and respectable, and in the end we thought it was all a load of doctrinal garbage, hence in europe today, you won't find people proclaiming to be Christian. Being christian is not a positive thing these days, ofcourse in asia (backward) its a different story.
Unlikely Britain will become Muslim in our lifetime, maybe in future since the government needs to appease the Islamic vote (again Religion influencing politics negatively). Australia will definitely NEVER go muslim.