Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
So? There was a choice not to smear their door or doorposts with blood and the israelites made the decision as a whole.
which goes back to the point... what's the dilemma?
Haha... this is supposed to be a thread to invite people for bible study leh...
Anyway, God has given free will to us...
But a known wrong choice leads to wrong paths...
Originally posted by dumbdumb!:which goes back to the point... what's the dilemma?
The dilemma is that any first-born in the land of Egypt will be struck down unless there is blood on the door or door post. If anyone who is supposed to recieve the message fails to heed the message or non-Egyptian who doesn't leave the land of Egypt, then the innocent is punished.
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
The dilemma is that any first-born in the land of Egypt will be struck down unless there is blood on the door or door post. If anyone who is supposed to recieve the message fails to heed the message or non-Egyptian who doesn't leave the land of Egypt, then the innocent is punished.
but there is nobody who is innocent in the first place wat. everyone has sinned.
a dilemma is when both choices have bad outcome isn't it?
the way i see it, they have a choice to live or die. and they made the choice to obey God and lived.
they were the slaves of the eygptians, treated worse than a beast of burden. They obeyed God, and the eygptians paid for their mistreatment of the israelites, and God led them out of eygpt, the land of slavery.
and look, now they are the nation of israel. so how was it a dilemma?
put it in a modern prespective: now got the H1N1 virus. you're asked to practice proper hygene. is that choice to obey this practice very difficult - so morally difficult until it must be called a dilemma?
so do you actually know what point you wish to make?