Sorry have to close post.
too sensitive
I believe that our beliefs shouldn't hinder your life, or the course of actions you should take that would affect your life.
Our beliefs should help make us a better person. Or serve as information/knowledge for the better.
In this case, if it really is an issue. Think about this, which is worst, drawing of arms in self defence? Or using it for crimes against humanity?
I say screw it, do it, and get it over and done with. There are other worthy beliefs you have that require more focus. Than to worry about a minor one which, honestly, makes no difference.
Me too, to be frank, its the social factor that matters the most. My mentor would, definitely be turned off, after so many years of imparting knowledge, if i "get it over and done with"
Originally posted by ChingAlvin:Me too, to be frank, its the social factor that matters the most. My mentor would, definitely be turned off, after so many years of imparting knowledge, if i "get it over and done with"
Precisely. And what choice do we have? Bound by law and all, if your mentor of many years would, of all people, at least understand. Since this is about, I assume, a religion of "compassion and understanding".
Why the government cannot be like Cubian government? (on this issue) Not saying they are no gd.
Originally posted by ChingAlvin:Why the government cannot be like Cubian government? (on this issue) Not saying they are no gd.
You mean like a government who go on a voluntary enlistment system? Beats me, but they have their own beliefs as well, for us to waste 2 years like that. And since we are bound and it will affect our lives as citizens, we have no choice.
It's like asking why chicken rice taste different from duck rice. It just is.
(And not talking about extremist acts where we oppose the government and change the law or whatever else that goes on, please, keep that in Speaker's Corner.)
Like a government which practices religious freedom.
The government does in most, yet not in all, yet still standing high on "religious freedom"
Makes me ponder.
religious freedom allows bad idealogy held by people like mas selamat, osama, benny hinn, and the likes of them to thrive.
I do not know much of religious freedom and the likes.
But these people are the ones who take religion into their own hands, and with extreme actions, force unto other human beings. Which is contradictory in their respective religions.
Originally posted by Keii:I do not know much of religious freedom and the likes.
But these people are the ones who take religion into their own hands, and with extreme actions, force unto other human beings. Which is contradictory in their respective religions.
I don't think its contradictory. What's contradictory is the holy scriptures themselves.
If you do read the quran/bible, terrorists are actually "correct" in a way, as they follow it word for word.
of course there are passages in the holy scriptures that spreads love, one can't deny the existence of the passages that spread death and divine punishment for "infidels".
Originally posted by dAiyAm0nd0:I don't think its contradictory. What's contradictory is the holy scriptures themselves.
If you do read the quran/bible, terrorists are actually "correct" in a way, as they follow it word for word.
of course there are passages in the holy scriptures that spreads love, one can't deny the existence of the passages that spread death and divine punishment for "infidels".