Brought over from another thread.
Originally posted by dadeadman1337:The churches all tell people that all are equal in god's eyes, so can someone tell me why in the bible he helped the israelites and not the egyptians or babylonians? Equality? Free will? If what the bible says is true then why don't i see this happening any more?
My view is that equality before God means that when we stand before God in judgement after we die to determine whether we go to heaven or hell for all eternity, he will judge us according to our faith and how we lived our lives, ie: our good works and our unrepented sins. It does not matter whether we are rich or poor, strong or weak, Singaporean or Malaysian, Chinese or Eurasian.
Equality does not mean that we will all be equally prosperous etc in this temporal life.
And why do you say that God helped the Israelites but not the Egyptians or the Babylonians ?
even if God decides to favour one race over another, what are you going to do about it?
God did in fact help the Egyptian. One when Joseph was given the necessary wisdom to understand the meaning of Pharaoh's dream. Joseph's wisdom helped the Egyptian evade 7 year long starvation. There was no grain everywhere but Egypt.
If you think that God had been pampering the Israelites too much remember that God chose them above all nations to be a nation of His priests. A chosen people of God. With that in mind the Israelites had had their share of both help and punishment from God.
I thank the Israelites for having spread the knowledge of true God. And I thank them even more for rejecting their Savior Jesus Christ so that we the gentiles might be saved and know God and become the chosen people of God as well, maybe not as a nation but as a person.
From my point of view indeed God views everyone as being equal in His eyes in this world. So whether one is a king or a beggar they are both the same to God. Yes they are the same but not to men but to God. This means that when hearing prayer and acting on it God doesn't see who you are but God sees the heart of each man.
To God the worth of a king is the same as the worth of a beggar or worse. God may judge each person according to what he has done but the worth of each person is the same to Him.
Remember that God is not mere man so God knows everything and that makes Him deem each of us the same in His eyes while men do not know everything and are often fooled by social status and appearance thus our judgment are partial and tend to be superficial.
So do not be afraid to come to God even when you have nothing to offer since God doesn't need anything from us except our obedience and life dedicated to Him. God is rich beyond all means. Come to God whoever you are. Have a chance to get to know Him in your life. And be blessed in this life and in the next.
because the other race choose not to listen to God.
Originally posted by zoragirl:because the other race choose not to listen to God.
Not true . God since the beginning decided to make a nation out of Abraham. A nation which is called Israel.
Originally posted by Omnia:Brought over from another thread.
My view is that equality before God means that when we stand before God in judgement after we die to determine whether we go to heaven or hell for all eternity, he will judge us according to our faith and how we lived our lives, ie: our good works and our unrepented sins. It does not matter whether we are rich or poor, strong or weak, Singaporean or Malaysian, Chinese or Eurasian.
Equality does not mean that we will all be equally prosperous etc in this temporal life.
And why do you say that God helped the Israelites but not the Egyptians or the Babylonians ?
Why ask such ridiculous questions?
Why not ask why God does not even have the decency, if he is sending people to hell for eternity, to warn people HIMSELF to each and everyone individually?
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
Why ask such ridiculous questions?
Why not ask why God does not even have the decency, if he is sending people to hell for eternity, to warn people HIMSELF to each and everyone individually?
then why you keep asking ridiculous(hokkien we say bo liao) questions all over the forum ?
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:Why ask such ridiculous questions?
Why not ask why God does not even have the decency, if he is sending people to hell for eternity, to warn people HIMSELF to each and everyone individually?
Why are you so anxious to see His face or hear His voice?
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
Why ask such ridiculous questions?
Why not ask why God does not even have the decency, if he is sending people to hell for eternity, to warn people HIMSELF to each and everyone individually?
He has Andrew He has warned each person the danger of death and hell. He has spoken through His prophets and through His holy son who is our savior. It's up to us to act on His warning and believe in it.
There are signs and wonder anywhere. Even today. That is a powerful testament because the signs and wonders are not of men but of God. That is His warnings.
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:Why are you so anxious to see His face or hear His voice?
Err I think very Christian should be anxious to see God's face and to hear His voice.
Don't you want to see the face of your beloved father whom love you so much? It's okay to want that.
But wanting to see God's face and to hear his voice in order to believe is the same with testing God and He won't allow Himself to be tested. Never not even once. Unless there is something in your heart and life that God deems to justify your wanting.
Originally posted by Miracles&Prophecies:Err I think very Christian should be anxious to see God's face and to hear His voice.
Don't you want to see the face of your beloved father whom love you so much? It's okay to want that.
But wanting to see God's face and to hear his voice in order to believe is the same with testing God and He won't allow Himself to be tested. Never not even once. Unless there is something in your heart and life that God deems to justify your wanting.
He's an atheist, and so you've said it yourself.
Originally posted by zoragirl:
then why you keep asking ridiculous(hokkien we say bo liao) questions all over the forum ?
Then why you so bo liao reply to my posts?
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:Why are you so anxious to see His face or hear His voice?
I am not anxious, I am calling the bluff of the delusionals.
It is an elaborate scheme to get weak minded people to toe the line... or HE has simply no decency to do even that...
Originally posted by Miracles&Prophecies:He has Andrew He has warned each person the danger of death and hell. He has spoken through His prophets and through His holy son who is our savior. It's up to us to act on His warning and believe in it.
There are signs and wonder anywhere. Even today. That is a powerful testament because the signs and wonders are not of men but of God. That is His warnings.
HE has? You are such a delusional. Was it in BBC, CNN or CNA? HE can't do even a simply thing like go on TV to warn people? Even the cursed despot knows how to go on TV and get his baboon face in the nerwspaper.
If anyone here tells me he has met GOD, I suggest he pays IMH a visit...
A good way to get into a fight with anyone is to talk about his religion. someone is here to find trouble...
Since he has placed an unreasonable burden of proof on God and on theists, there's nothing for us to do. Treat him with compassion, as you would with other people, and let the matter be settled on the Day of Reckoning.
Originally posted by skythewood:A good way to get into a fight with anyone is to talk about his religion. someone is here to find trouble...
well, this someone is always going ard in forum to find trouble.
he only worship himself and him.
no matter what people reply/write, he will reply.
he even admit the title he gave himself (bo liao)
in other words *cough*seeking*cough*attention
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
If anyone here tells me he has met GOD, I suggest he pays IMH a visit...
Dun be so cock sure of yourself. Hav u been around the world to ask every human being?
Originally posted by zoragirl:well, this someone is always going ard in forum to find trouble.
he only worship himself and him.
no matter what people reply/write, he will reply.
he even admit the title he gave himself (bo liao)
in other words *cough*seeking*cough*attention
haha. if there is anyone who worships himself, he is a fool.
what power does he hav? he'll cannot prevent sickness & will die someday like all mortals...
Search Sister Gulshan Esther she's seen Christ in glory.
Search Julia Kim and the Eucharist miracle. She was healed from a wide spread cancer.
Search brother yun(The heavenly man) and hear and read his testimony.
Search TB Joshua and his miracles.
Signs and wonders are everywhere.
What's the point of insulting something that you believe doesn't even exist?
You know you can insult the things that you can see and touch no matter who he or she is in this world but you cannot insult the Holy God who reigns as King. If you are not sure I suggest you to be silent. It's utter foolishness to insult God. If you keep on doing that you'll die.
Even evil spirits and demons are afraid of God. Evil people in highest places are smart enough not to offend God directly. Because they know even though they may not believe but they know. They know what you do not know. and they are not telling you.
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
If anyone here tells me he has met GOD, I suggest he pays IMH a visit...
Originally posted by Omnia:Brought over from another thread.
My view is that equality before God means that when we stand before God in judgement after we die to determine whether we go to heaven or hell for all eternity, he will judge us according to our faith and how we lived our lives, ie: our good works and our unrepented sins. It does not matter whether we are rich or poor, strong or weak, Singaporean or Malaysian, Chinese or Eurasian.
Equality does not mean that we will all be equally prosperous etc in this temporal life.
And why do you say that God helped the Israelites but not the Egyptians or the Babylonians ?
the reason is very simple there is no god..... god is juz a symbol evil ppl use to trick stupid ppl to believe what they do is justify.
ppl in the middle east shld stop blameing ppl for their suffering
pick a book study and rebulid ur conurty. live on wif their live instead of going for revenge and kill ppl juz that they so stupily believe that they will go heaven.
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
Why not ask why God does not even have the decency, if he is sending people to hell for eternity, to warn people HIMSELF to each and everyone individually?
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
If anyone here tells me he has met GOD, I suggest he pays IMH a visit...
For those who refuse to believe, God can appear in all his glory before the person, whack him on the head and (to borrow an army phrase) ask him to 'wake-up his idea' before it is too late; and the person will still refuse to believe. He will probably attribute the whole episode to a hallucination, a dream or something. Your second statement shows it ...