What exactly is Purgatory?
Who is more evil - Satan or the Beast at Apocolypse ?
What's the point of a confirmation name? ( For the Catholics)
As we all know, God has has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever til the end of time! But he loves us! How could someone be kind and forgiving but cruel at the same time?
I apologise in advance if i offend anyone.
there is a forum that is probably more equip to answer your question:
Originally posted by NerdzRulz:What exactly is Purgatory?
Who is more evil - Satan or the Beast at Apocolypse ?
What's the point of a confirmation name? ( For the Catholics)
Protestant Christians do not believe in the existence of Purgatory.
I think the two individuals mentioned are the same personage.
Protestant Christians do not have a confirmation name.
which is why the Catholic forum may have the answer you are looking for.
Originally posted by NerdzRulz:What exactly is Purgatory?
Who is more evil - Satan or the Beast at Apocolypse ?
What's the point of a confirmation name? ( For the Catholics)
As we all know, God has has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever til the end of time! But he loves us! How could someone be kind and forgiving but cruel at the same time?
I apologise in advance if i offend anyone.
Purgatory comes from the latin word "purgare" which means to make clean or to purify. So purgatory is a place or condition that you go to if you die in God's grace (ie: you've already obtained eternal salvation and are bound for heaven) but need to be 'cleaned up' a bit before you enter heaven where "nothing unclean will enter" (Rev 21:27).
Note that purgatory is not a 'second chance'. Only those bound for heaven would go through the purification (if necessary). Those who do not die in God's grace will head straight for hell. They do not go to purgatory for a second chance.
God wants all of us to be in heaven with him. However, there will be those who will turn from God and separate themselves from him out of their own free will. Hell may or may not consist of 'fire' but the eternal separation from God will be worse than fire and it would sadly be our own doing because God predestines no one to go to hell.
Paragraph 1057 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church summarises what hell is:
Hell's principal punishment consists of eternal separation from God in whom alone man can have the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs.
Confirmation Name
I believe it is not necessary for a Catholic Christian to have a confirmation name. Some do and often take the name of a saint whom the person has a special affinity for, who will become the person's guide and protector, as well as someone the person can look up to in terms of living a life pleasing to God.
The churches all tell people that all are equal in god's eyes, so can someone tell me why in the bible he helped the israelites and not the egyptians or babylonians? Equality? Free will? If what the bible says is true then why don't i see this happening any more?
Originally posted by dadeadman1337:The churches all tell people that all are equal in god's eyes, so can someone tell me why in the bible he helped the israelites and not the egyptians or babylonians? Equality? Free will? If what the bible says is true then why don't i see this happening any more?
Equality before God has got little to do with purgatory, I have offered my views to your query in a new thread named "Equality Before God".