40 days to good friday and easter
Originally posted by Servant:I thought this article is quite enlightening regarding the claim of Easter being a pagan holiday - http://www.catholic.com/thisrock/1999/9903chap.asp
I think we all need to keep things in perspective, and to remember that the vast majority of churches have celebrated Christ's resurrection on Easter Sunday for many many centuries already. Suddenly, it is now pagan? Out of curiosity, would it be better if 'xyz day' is now set aside on another day to celebrate the Lord's resurrection? My point here is that it is the purpose of the day that is important, not the actual history of the date itself. We celebrate Easter to remember the greatest self-sacrificial act of love that enables us to live in the hope of seeing His face one day.
How are we 'led by Him' to decide how to worship? Do we know better than the church on the 'right' way to worship Him? Even many things that are 'very clear in the bible' cannot be agreed on by different individuals. Mr S A Tan himself quoted scriptures to tempt Jesus! And you will be surprised as to how the church of today so closely resembles the church that the early Christians belonged to.
I can't agree with you more. Cheers~!
Originally posted by the Bear:the season of Lent is upon us..
it's Ash Wednesday...
let those who believe what they believe be..
and let us who believe in what we believe be...
ultimately, who knows.. i figure i'm right.. you figure you're right.. when we're all dead, let God decide.. or if you don't believe, you'll be in oblivion.. and all these things would be moot...
today is Ash Wednesday.. i choose to remember today, with fasting and abstinence.. to go for Mass later tonight..
in the larger scheme of things, who are we but God's creations?
may this season of Lent be peaceful for all
Very well said, Bear.
Originally posted by Chin Eng:every year, at easter and christmas.... same old story in eternal hope....
.... and how ya doing, brey?
Going ok CE.. how are you?
Originally posted by breytonhartge:Going ok CE.. how are you?
still gainfully employed, can wake up without assistance, go to the loo on my own....
not bad, I'd say.....
Originally posted by breytonhartge:Are you so sure that the Tenach/Torah does not apply to you as a believer? See Numbers 15:15 For this community there will be the same law for you (read Israelite) as for the foreigner (read you)living with you; this is a permanent regulation through all your generations; the foreigner is to be treated the same way before Adonai as yourselves. The same Torah and standard of judgement will apply to both you and the foreigner living with you.
These "Jewish" feasts that you claim... read again Leviticus 23:1-2
1 And the Yahweh spoke to Moshe, saying, 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘The feasts of Yahweh, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts.
Whose feasts are they? So then who are you worshipping? Continue reading Leviticus and it is mentioned a few times that these are to be statutes forever in all your generations. If the same law applies to the Israelites and the Goy (us as gentile believers) then should not these feasts which are His feasts apply to us?
New question, does fulfill mean abolished? Yeshua Himself said in Mattinyahu 5:18
For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.
So has the heaven and the earth passed away yet? Has all been fulfilled yet?
So Yeshua is your salvation, then what? How do you then lead your life??
Yes, observance of the Torah is not necessary for Christians. As St Paul writes in the new testament, it is faith in Jesus Christ working through love that will save us, not the Torah and its works.
The verses you quoted from Numbers and Leviticus are aimed squarely at the Israelites and their descendents (as well as foreign guests living amongst the Israelites), not Gentiles (non-Jews) in general. If Christians did indeed have to observe the Torah, why do we read in the book of Acts that circumcision (a Torah requirement) is not necessary ? Why does Jesus tell us in Mark 7:14-19 that it is not food that defiles us but things that come out of us ? (The Torah has strict dietary requirements). Why does St Paul also write in Col 2:16-17, "Let no one, then, pass judgment on you in matters of food and drink or with regard to a festival or new moon or sabbath. These are shadows of things to come; the reality belongs to Christ." ?
Jesus who is God, did not come to abolish the Old Testament Law but to fulfill it. As explained by the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 2053), "The Law has not been abolished, but rather man is invited to rediscover it in the person of his Master (Jesus Christ who is God) who is its perfect fulfillment". (brackets added)
Originally posted by breytonhartge:...Easter.. do a quick google search on the origins of easter.. .read for yourself and understand truth.
Have you ever stopped to consider that the church teaches half truths and a whole lot of lies? Come back to the word, read it, study it for yourself and see.
Maybe the church is Mr SA tan's way of luring a whole bunch of people away from the truth of Yahweh. Sit down and listen to any sermon you get in church today, they have very little meat in them. Its even worse than homogenised and pasturised milk.
Originally posted by breytonhartge:easter does not commemorate the ressurection of Yeshua. The time of Passover does. The timing is not correct even.
you have to go back to the original intent of the celebration of easter, just because it is clothed in a different light still does not make it right. Is a wolf in sheeps clothing a wolf still or a sheep? you then have to go back to the origins as to why the celebration of easter was even brought into the church... do some historical research.
the point to be made here is man does not dictate to Yahweh how we should worship Him rather we should be led by Him as to how He wants us to worship Him.
Does the church give the right guidance? So the church knows better than Yahweh Himself what He wants? Certain things are very clear in the bible. You do not need to be a scholar to understand the meaning and the intent.
Why do you blindly trust the church of ancient time? this has long since been destroyed by the romans. The church today is nothing like what it was like during the time of the talmidim of Yeshua. The church that you are referring to is the whole cause of the problem today.
Yes, the church will give the right guidance in faith and morals. St Paul describes in 1Tim3:15 that the Church is the "pillar and foundation of truth". Jesus taught in Mathew 18:17-18 that the Church is the final arbitrator on matters of faith and morals and gave the Church the power to bind and to loose on earth. Jesus promised in Mathew 16:18 that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church and in Mathew 28:20, he promises to be with his Church always. The Church does not know better than God himself what he wants but God will guide the Church in teaching the truth (in matters of faith and morals) of what he wants.
Regarding Easter, do you have a problem with Christians celebrating the resurrection of Christ ? Or do you have a problem with the day chosen for the celebration, that it should be done on another day ? Or both ?
If it is about getting the day right, I think it is a non-issue. If it is the former, I would say that it is perfectly fitting that we celebrate the salvific work of Christ. Ask any person what Easter is about and almost everyone will tell you that they either do not know/are not sure (especially non Christians), or that it celebrates the resurrection of Christ. Hardly anyone would associate celebrating the ressurection of Christ with some pagan festival (assuming that part is true in the first place).
So as the old saying goes, you would do well to stop making a mountain out of a mole hill, about how 'pagan' Easter is. Just be glad that Jesus came into this world to redeem us of our iniquities by dying on the cross and rising from the dead.
happy ash wed, =)
apparently, the catholics i've met today are especially nice. only today though.
I didn't have any pancakes for Shrove Tuesday...so I had a waffle instead.
when is good friday?
paiseh, its abt the holiday
Originally posted by laurence82:when is good friday?
paiseh, its abt the holiday
10 April 2009
Originally posted by breytonhartge:
how about not focusing on easter... which is PAGAN and focus on passover which is biblical.
Hi brey, could u share with us your passover seder for gentiles. Is your passover seder, Jewish or American??
brey, meet creation 1656....
i am REALLY REALLY interested in any exchange that both of you may have.