Originally posted by Miracles&Prophecies:I guess God is personal. And I don't mean to brag because I have nothing to brag about. Those things I wrote are not causes to brag. Simply because I didn't do any of those. I just experienced them but I didn't do a thing. Not even a twitch nothing none.
And the last thing I wanted to cause is to strike fear so whenever I literally felt another person heart or feeling I would 99% not say a word to let the other person knew that I knew.
The other 1% was an exception though....I was half awake and I sort of slipped my tounge. It was more like a reflex...anyway that 1% needed some form of response though. I'm just glad that I did react to that one.
But I remember one time that still kind of bothers me to this day. I was in a bad mood. And I felt angry. To cut the story short...I made this person to be disappointed and sad though he was innocent. I felt what he felt but because I was angry I blamed it on him(I know that was selfish of me shame on me). Later I regret this but never found this man again. I regret it because I knew how I made him to feel. If I hadn't felt what he felt I don't think I finally would have regretted acting the way I acted. It would have been easier had he gone angry towards me too instead of allowing me to cause him pain.
kk dude...take it easy...just rouhly eexplain no nid to make tis topic wordy
Originally posted by Uraniumfish:You compared god to love. So god is an emotion caused by hormones, which are chemicals?
There might be another plant that humans could live in, but just not in our solar system I guess.
We get sufficient light and dark? If our sun was brighter or dimmer, we would have adapted and that would then be the 'sufficient' amount of light.
I am not really sure on how to explain why the planets do not crash into each other, but I know that they revolve around the sun because they are 'stuck'. As they are revolving, the centrifugal force prevents them from crashing into the sun and the gravitational force of the sun prevents the planets from going out of orbit.
Try explain with Kepler's Law and Newton's Law of Universal gravitation.
Btw, both were Christians.
Originally posted by googoomuck:Try explain with Kepler's Law and Newton's Law of Universal gravitation.
Btw, both were Christians.
By the way, do Kepler or Newton describe accurately the workings of the universe? That's the age of enlightenment, when people do learn and study about the truth which is percepetable and slowly work towards the unperceptable. If both Kepler and Newton are alive today, they would have renounce Christianity as incomparable with science.
Religion and science don't mix. Period.
Originally posted by Yomigaeru tsubasa:Religion and science don't mix. Period.
Exactly. +1
Originally posted by A.T.R:
kk dude...take it easy...just rouhly eexplain no nid to make tis topic wordy
Hmm I wasn't angry at you...sorry if I sounded rude.
Cheers and shalom from Jakarta.
Originally posted by Yomigaeru tsubasa:Religion and science don't mix. Period.
If human had perfect knowledge we would understand all.
And the concept of God and the whole universe of science will not contradict each other.
Right now the level of our technology and science imo is still pretty primitive. The whole world propulsion is dependant way too much on the extract of dead animal which in all convenience is volative.Thank God for that.
Yes man has gone to the moon but their spacecraft was and still is drawfed by the size of their fuel tank. That shows how efficient our state of propulsion really is.
To make matters worse. Human technologies have been developed in pursue of either military purposes or financial gain i.e the desire to dominate with little consideration given to the care of the environment i.e nature. This has resulted in the massive environmental damages thoughout our planet and we seem to be heading for a new extinction.
Someting important that many people seem to forget is that science never created anything. To be precise science is the art of manipulating the rule of the universe through obtained knowledge learned by the use of observation and research( which is experimenting and observation).
Airplanes fly not because it can fly but because of the manipulation of air pressure by the unique shape of the wing. Airplane engine is just used to push the plane forward. So you can say the airplanes rather than flying actually sails in the air. LOL.
It's the same with helicopter and all other stuffs that we created.
To realize just how smart we are....the whole world of science is still baffled on how to fight HIV which is a virus that is the lowest level of life there is.
We are still living in the dark age. Just because now we have candles widely available everywhere doesn't mean we can do without the sun.
Wake up! We have progressed but no where close to understanding even a fraction of the whole knowledge there is.
I'm just saying that there IS NO sufficient data, scientifically speaking, to conclude that there is no God.
Have you ever seen a 50 foot shark? No?
Just because you haven't seen one it doesn't mean it don't exist.
Originally posted by Miracles&Prophecies:If human had perfect knowledge we would understand all.
And the concept of God and the whole universe of science will not contradict each other.
Right now the level of our technology and science imo is still pretty primitive. The whole world propulsion is dependant way too much on the extract of dead animal which in all convenience is volative.Thank God for that.
Yes man has gone to the moon but their spacecraft was and still is drawfed by the size of their fuel tank. That shows how efficient our state of propulsion really is.
To make matters worse. Human technologies have been developed in pursue of either military purposes or financial gain i.e the desire to dominate with little consideration given to the care of the environment i.e nature. This has resulted in the massive environmental damages thoughout our planet and we seem to be heading for a new extinction.
Someting important that many people seem to forget is that science never created anything. To be precise science is the art of manipulating the rule of the universe through obtained knowledge learned by the use of observation and research( which is experimenting and observation).
Airplanes fly not because it can fly but because of the manipulation of air pressure by the unique shape of the wing. Airplane engine is just used to push the plane forward. So you can say the airplanes rather than flying actually sails in the air. LOL.
It's the same with helicopter and all other stuffs that we created.
To realize just how smart we are....the whole world of science is still baffled on how to fight HIV which is a virus that is the lowest level of life there is.
We are still living in the dark age. Just because now we have candles widely available everywhere doesn't mean we can do without the sun.
Wake up! We have progressed but no where close to understanding even a fraction of the whole knowledge there is.
I'm just saying that there IS NO sufficient data, scientifically speaking, to conclude that there is no God.
Have you ever seen a 50 foot shark? No?
Just because you haven't seen one it doesn't mean it don't exist.
imagine if god was infront of me now!! hahas
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
By the way, do Kepler or Newton describe accurately the workings of the universe? That's the age of enlightenment, when people do learn and study about the truth which is percepetable and slowly work towards the unperceptable. If both Kepler and Newton are alive today, they would have renounce Christianity as incomparable with science.
The laws of the universe are not the invention of human minds. The laws are already there waiting for man to discover.
Present day knowledge is based on the laws discovered by these Christian scientists.
The discoveries convinced these Christian scientists that the Creator has no end in His wisdom.
Originally posted by dAiyAm0nd0:googoomuck, how would you know lol?
i think herzog_zwei’s theory that “If both Kepler and Newton are alive today, they would have renounce Christianity as incomparable with science.” sounds more likely to happen.
These two are clever people. When clever people study current scientific findings which disprove of god, they would understand it.
How would you know? lol
We are often told that scientists are atheists.
Surveys showed that 40% of scientists believe in God but among top scientists, the number who recognize the hand of God in the universe are remarkably high.
Look at the list of Nobel scientists who believe in God if you are not convinced.
Originally posted by dAiyAm0nd0:googoomuck, how would you know lol?
i think herzog_zwei’s theory that “If both Kepler and Newton are alive today, they would have renounce Christianity as incomparable with science.” sounds more likely to happen.
These two are clever people. When clever people study current scientific findings which disprove of god, they would understand it.
christianity onli?wad bout buddhism and hinduism?
Originally posted by A.T.R:
christianity onli?wad bout buddhism and hinduism?
Originally posted by googoomuck:How would you know? lol
We are often told that scientists are atheists.
Surveys showed that 40% of scientists believe in God but among top scientists, the number who recognize the hand of God in the universe are remarkably high.
Look at the list of Nobel scientists who believe in God if you are not convinced.
oh please, i just googled "nobel prize winners who believe in god".
the first name amongst those winners was albert einstein =,= Well, he may believe in a god, but he certainly is against the god which goes by the name of Yahweh or Allah.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, founder of modern deism was listed as well? wow, i wonder what that list is trying to do huh, misguide more people into religion i say. Someone born protestant, converted to Catholicism in his teens, but eventually turned deist.. why's he listed!!?
I have no problems with people who believe in god/gods which go with science, side by side, trying to answer what science cannot, and most probably never will be able to.
furthermore, those scientists may be nobel winners. but so what? does that make them more knowledgeable about whether a god exists or not?
eg: a person devotes his life to chemistry, makes astonishing discoveries about new elements or creates some wonderful synthetic material. This will guarantee him a nobel prize.
BUT lets say he's a theistic satanist. A theistic satanist believes satan as the true creator of man, advocates indulgence instead of abstinence, etc etc. Yet none of these beliefs and morals will ever contradict with his chemistry knowledge.
Studying evolution, natural selection and the universe's origin is the way to go if one wants to defraud the bible or koran.
I think u guys need to understand the fundamentals of love and free will and why these 2 when combined together results in what is happening today , especially in this debacle.
too wasted to wanna get into the details. details when more sober.
u guys need more life and more s3x and booze
Originally posted by laurence82:u guys need more life and more s3x and booze
he's got a point!
Originally posted by A.T.R:
he's got a point!
Oi! let God guide you, not laurence82.
God should serve as a guide for you live by. God is not an Alladin for you to make requests.
Originally posted by mancha:Oi! let God guide you, not laurence82.
God should serve as a guide for you live by. God is not an Alladin for you to make requests.
lols kk noted...
one reply . Yes, see all the wonderful things on earth, ask yourself one question, where it comes from, you will trace them in this route most probably
You cannot trace any more from here, so who created them, such as mother and big bang, it is GOD.
According to Gensis Chapter 1 verse 1-7, god created them.
And please do not say is other gods on earth
So, pals, let's us seriously think of whether god exsisted is a valid question, he created all of us, as well as this forum, the LCD/CRT screen that u are seeing this post.
If you do not still belief, ask yourself another question, how does the big bang occur and how big is the universe, it is what cretainly scientist cannot answer them, but bible, words of god can answer them, sich as big bang is similar to Genises Chap 1 verse 1-8 let there be light and so on explains big bang wisely, as well as how big is the universe, gods say that it was as big as the scope of him.
And i know that many would be puzzling is god really exsisting and who created him.
I had an explaination, god is not a person for us to gage, his wisdom is bigger than what all of us can put in, and he is the everlasting, we need to connect to him and gain enlightenment in how is really GOD through prayers and so on
So, GOD is exsisting. PM me if you got any more doubts of his exsistance.
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:one reply . Yes, see all the wonderful things on earth, ask yourself one question, where it comes from, you will trace them in this route most probably
- Item on earth
- clay
- earth
- big bang
- animal on earth
- mother
You cannot trace any more from here, so who created them, such as mother and big bang, it is GOD.
According to Gensis Chapter 1 verse 1-7, god created them.
And please do not say is other gods on earth
According to the bible and is quite true also in normal thinking
Buddist gods have eyes but cannot talk, ears which cannot hear and this go on and on
Islamic reglion is just a copy cat of christianity such as all the names in the bible had been changed to some muslim names only, the places between the bible and the quaram is similar, if not indentical, and is islam started frist or the belief of christianity, whcih is always exsistance, first.
So, pals, let's us seriously think of whether god exsisted is a valid question, he created all of us, as well as this forum, the LCD/CRT screen that u are seeing this post.
If you do not still belief, ask yourself another question, how does the big bang occur and how big is the universe, it is what cretainly scientist cannot answer them, but bible, words of god can answer them, sich as big bang is similar to Genises Chap 1 verse 1-8 let there be light and so on explains big bang wisely, as well as how big is the universe, gods say that it was as big as the scope of him.
And i know that many would be puzzling is god really exsisting and who created him.
I had an explaination, god is not a person for us to gage, his wisdom is bigger than what all of us can put in, and he is the everlasting, we need to connect to him and gain enlightenment in how is really GOD through prayers and so on
So, GOD is exsisting. PM me if you got any more doubts of his exsistance.
who made the bible?
Originally posted by laurence82:u guys need more life and more s3x and booze
agree, too much stress bout some being is getting into their head.
Originally posted by Daisuke-kun:
agree, too much stress bout some being is getting into their head.
hahahas yea
islam did not copy christianity its the people who changed god's book into the bible.The Quran is sent down by god.U associate god with a human?U say that he has a son?NOnsense.Bullshit it is.Christians are clearly misguided people.
Originally posted by Afrasastrasz:islam did not copy christianity its the people who changed god's book into the bible.The Quran is sent down by god.U associate god with a human?U say that he has a son?NOnsense.Bullshit it is.Christians are clearly misguided people.
who you're reffering to dude-.-