A man who died in a plane crash yet live to tell about it
A man who died in a car crash yet live to tell about it
I tell you a secret that what some of these men are telling you could very well begin to happen in this world. Well maybe not to the extend of what they told us but all the same nonetheless. Because God is alive. Be blessed.
Here another man who saw Jesus while not dying
My own testimony. It happened when I was in my 7th grade. Now I'm 29 years old.
I was then in my bed at night about 8 pm. I felt terrible about my life. i felt that many people seemed to hate me for no obvious reasons. Then I started to cry. But Because I'm a boy I covered my face with my pillow not to let anyone knew I was crying. As I began to cry I started to imagine that I was hugging Jesus where in fact I was hugging my pillow. As I was doing this I thought to myself that no one was worth defending except Jesus and a powerful thought came to me that Jesus was the one without sin. After that thought I felt love for Jesus. Small at first but in a mere few seconds that small love for Jesus was growing exponentially such that in the end I was really really in love with Jesus(I have fallen in love twice and it was deep but still what I felt for Jesus much much much deeper still, I was madly deeply fully in love with Jesus, not the kind of love that produces lust of course, just a pure love, loving for the sake of loving and I really believe that it was God who gave me the love because it grew exponentially in a few seconds for no apparent reason whatsoever). I would give to Jesus anything that He asked of me anything at all because I loved Him so much. Then a thought came to me that I could ask something from God.
So I did.
I asked to be allowed to see Jesus face because even then I knew that all the pictures of Jesus all of his depiction and illustration was all man-made and not the real Jesus. So I wanted to know how the real Jesus looked like. Mind you I didn't really realize that Jesus was not mere man as I was still a child(to me then God the father was like the God and Jesus was like a supporting actor so in a sense I played down Jesus divinity then). I never read the bible then too(there is a verse in the bible that says whoever sees me has seen the Father, I now know that it could literally mean exactly that). After I uttered my wish with my thought a powerful vision(very clearly seen) came to me while I was still fully awake laying on my bed. I saw what I believed to be Jesus. His whole body was covered with such immense white light that was coming out from His face but I didn't see any figure just an immense white light which shine brightest in the direction of His face(I knew the direction of His face but didn't see any figure at all). And because I wanted to see His face I tried to look into the direction of His face but the intensity of the light was such that I couldn't penetrate the light. The light wasn't giving me any pain though. But I was persistent(or foolish) that I kept on trying over and over again. Until I thought to myself: Never mind not being able to see Jesus face. I've seen God and now I could tell this to others which was probably out of frustation. After I thought that to myself I tried for the last time to stare into the direction of His face but this time both of my physical eyeballs hurt. It felt like burning(I didn't realize it was a burning sensation then though) it felt like many small needles hit both of my eyeballs. After this I didn't dare to stare in the direction of His face and only dared to stare down. The vision then began to grow weaker and weaker until it disappear completely.
Be blessed
They must be having hallucinations after being brainwashed for so many years.
I read a book titled the torn veil. The story of sister gulshan Esther. I think it's a great book and i'd like to share it with you.
Today I found the clip of the author sister Gulshan Esther.
Originally posted by FirePig:They must be having hallucinations after being brainwashed for so many years.
Who's being brainswashed again here?
Now you know.