Complaint from little sinner in HELL.
In various discussions on hell, the topic of justice comes to the fore. Many believe that everlasting punishment of 1200000000000000+yrs, as compared to 120yrs of small sins is OK.
Some like myself disagree and do not find it consistent with the concept of mercy.
We as humans instinctively know that a penalty should fit the level of the sin. An eye for an eye.
Are we to follow a God that takes that long to cure a soul that began as a perfect soul?
You will know that, a little sinner of minor consequence, informs me and complained to me that his penalty was unfair as compared to his mates. He and Hitler are sharing the same woes as well as a Khan or two.
He believes scripture that says that all of God’s works are perfect. All except for Hell that is. Oops.
Please debate. Is Hell a perfect works as are all of Gods works or Is Hell God’s first Oops?
Should little sinner be set free?
A big hello to everyone as it is my first time here on this forum, nice to meet all of you. Been reading the happenings here for a while, and I thought now is a good a time as any to finally say something
lp, I guess most would agree that He is a God of mercy and justice. To focus on the justice bit, we mere humans will never be able to understand in human logic the justice that God intends for us at the end of our time (just as we will never be able to comprehend His immense love for us). As He chooses to pay the workers who works in his vineyard the same amount regardless of what time they report for work (meaning it's never too late to turn back to Him), we won't be able to 'measure' our sins in human logical terms. Only God has the wisdom and power to do so. Do we even know for sure that Hitler and other infamous personalities are in hell now?
He does not 'cure' our souls by burning them in Hell's fire. While we were created in His own likeness with love, our fallen nature (through the sins of Adam and Eve) allows us to be tempted by the devil, and this is where we make our choice to follow God or forget about Him.
And the bad news is that hell is for all eternity, unless you are talking about the temporal aspect of Purgatory.
Let us not try not to 'box' God into a corner in our logical and human minds, that more often than not let us down in our pursuit of Christian goodness.
May the grace, peace and love of God be upon you
i know there is a G-d, Adonai Elohim, Blessed king of the universe , who sustain both believers n unbelievers till the end of the age. Hashem will not sent believers n unbelievers to eternal hell even if they sin against him. Judaism concept of afterlife is totally different from the pagan beliefs of eternal hell.
Adonai Elohim is truly a great n just King of the Universe, full of grace, peace n love. Unlike some other pagan gods who sent unbelievers to eternal hell.
Originally posted by Servant:A big hello to everyone as it is my first time here on this forum, nice to meet all of you. Been reading the happenings here for a while, and I thought now is a good a time as any to finally say something
lp, I guess most would agree that He is a God of mercy and justice. To focus on the justice bit, we mere humans will never be able to understand in human logic the justice that God intends for us at the end of our time (just as we will never be able to comprehend His immense love for us). As He chooses to pay the workers who works in his vineyard the same amount regardless of what time they report for work (meaning it's never too late to turn back to Him), we won't be able to 'measure' our sins in human logical terms. Only God has the wisdom and power to do so. Do we even know for sure that Hitler and other infamous personalities are in hell now?
He does not 'cure' our souls by burning them in Hell's fire. While we were created in His own likeness with love, our fallen nature (through the sins of Adam and Eve) allows us to be tempted by the devil, and this is where we make our choice to follow God or forget about Him.
And the bad news is that hell is for all eternity, unless you are talking about the temporal aspect of Purgatory.
Let us not try not to 'box' God into a corner in our logical and human minds, that more often than not let us down in our pursuit of Christian goodness.
May the grace, peace and love of God be upon you
Graceful must have come from good environment, education and most importantly good genes. It's been awhile since the last time someone wrote like this.
Welcome to the forum.
Originally posted by Creation1656:i know there is a G-d, Adonai Elohim, Blessed king of the universe , who sustain both believers n unbelievers till the end of the age. Hashem will not sent believers n unbelievers to eternal hell even if they sin against him. Judaism concept of afterlife is totally different from the pagan beliefs of eternal hell.
Adonai Elohim is truly a great n just King of the Universe, full of grace, peace n love. Unlike some other pagan gods who sent unbelievers to eternal hell.
First of all there is only 1 God for all the people. One. That's why the fate of all living people no matter what religion they are now is the same.
To say that other pagan Gods send unbelievers to hell is not logical because What other pagan Gods?
Read your torah well if your religion is Judaism. Read what Job said about death. read David psalms or if you have it Solomon writings. They are truly wise and knowlegeable when it comes to the concept of death.
And what happen if you live a life of insult to this truly great King of the universe? Death. The second death. You are not a believer of Judaism because they believe in the second death that is the other word for hell.
Originally posted by M&P
To say that other pagan Gods send unbelievers to hell is not logical because What other pagan Gods?
To answer your question - Pagan gods of the human type.
Read your torah well if your religion is Judaism. Read what Job said about death. read David psalms or if you have it Solomon writings. They are truly wise and knowlegeable when it comes to the concept of death.
And what happen if you live a life of insult to this truly great King of the universe? Death. The second death. You are not a believer of Judaism because they believe in the second death that is the other word for hell.
Do u really want to know what Hashem said to Adam, with his own mouth and own words, about death? For your benefits and study i will quote Hashem own words on this issue of death after Adam had sinned against Hashem.
Then to Adam He said, "Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, 'You shall not eat from it';
Cursed is the ground because of you;
In toil you will eat of it
All the days of your life.
"Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you;
And you will eat the plants of the field;
By the sweat of your face
You will eat bread,
Till you return to the ground,
Because from it you were taken;
For you are dust,
And to dust you shall return." Genesis 3:17-19 (NASB)
Did Hashem say this - Adam after u die u go to eternal hell? No? Did Hashem also say this - Adam after u are dead and buried u will then die again and go to eternal hell?. Or u dun believe in what Hashem has said with Hashem's own mouth and words?
If your God cannot be understood then Eve wasted her time in giving us moral sense.
You, like most Fundamental follow without knowing why. Following any God blindly is stupid.
If your God is a miracle working God and does not feed the starving and dying of the world then He is not acting in a moral way.
A father does not sit back and let his children go hungry and die.
For some strange reason, you claim to look for a debate, but proceed to recklessly blast whatever that does not seem agreeable to your own self-proclaimed notions of the universe. Actually, your points look quite irrelevant in this forum, as you seem more set on expousing your cosmic-whatever ideas than sincerely desiring to understand Christianity better. Might I suggest that you reflect deeper on your real intentions of making all these posts before continuing.
And by the way, if Eve is a moral compass by eating the apple from the tree that God explicitly forbid, then we are all in trouble
ha ha ha, when I read title of this thread, knew it is from the eternal hope forum. hello, there are christians in hell, too. Not all christians go to heaven.
There are many sects to Christianity now a days. Which sect do you favor and why?
Do all your sects believe in talking snakes and 10 headed monsters or are there some with intelligent people in them?
Originally posted by Paulip2:I have a relative who is a athesist and he just build up a blog to voice his reason why he decided to be athesist.
I am still not equiped with the knowledge to help him.
Can anyone help him to become Christian?
the bible rest everything on this verse - John 3:16.
coming to know God, growing in God - all these comes when you understand God's love.
And how does this speak to the question.
Originally posted by Ipirate:Fantagf
What makes you think there is a hell?
What makes you think that there is or there is no heaven and/or hell? And what makes you think there is God or No God in teh first place? Mind sharing?
hahahaha...ip brings up some logical points to wake some self professed christians up..however..he himself is interesting...hell..bwahaha...God is just so hell cannot exist...neither does anyone read anywhere in the bible that after, before or during the creation, God made hell right??
and after Jehovah made the heavens and the earth and every creatures in it, He proceeded to create Sheoul so that everyone that is sinning against him may be cast into its eternal fires to be consumed eternally...Genesis 31:1...we dont see this verse anywhere right???(tis is a made up verse by myself anyway) where else did the idea of hell came from??the talking snake of course..wake up dumb humans...
Originally posted by domonkassyu:... God is just so hell cannot exist...
A couple of quotes from the bible that might be of interest.
Mathew 25:41,46 - "Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. ... And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."
Mathew 18:8 - "If your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter into life maimed or crippled than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into eternal fire."
Originally posted by domonkassyu:hahahaha...ip brings up some logical points to wake some self professed christians up..however..he himself is interesting...hell..bwahaha...God is just so hell cannot exist...neither does anyone read anywhere in the bible that after, before or during the creation, God made hell right??
and after Jehovah made the heavens and the earth and every creatures in it, He proceeded to create Sheoul so that everyone that is sinning against him may be cast into its eternal fires to be consumed eternally...Genesis 31:1...we dont see this verse anywhere right???(tis is a made up verse by myself anyway) where else did the idea of hell came from??the talking snake of course..wake up dumb humans...
By the way, what faith do you really subscribed to? Are you a "home alone" Christians trying to read the Bible and using books, internet make sense of God? Just curious....