I am going to Hell but not for long.
I am an unrepentant sinner. I admit my faults but knowing my personality, I know that I mentally justify my sins. I am good at self justification. This aspect of my personality has been fixed for life. My sins are mostly of the self embellishing kind. The types of sins that are self serving. Not meant to harm but more to aid myself in my path of life. Sins nevertheless. I know I will go to hell but when saved God spoke to me and assured me that hell is just and that I would only be there for a short time.
It seems that my sins are considered of the minor type and that since I can only sin for a short time, 120yrs, to go to hell for 12000000000000+yrs, God considers unjust.
It seems that the penalty fit’s the sin in hell. Large sins cause a longer duration and small sins give a smaller duration of punishment. I know that this view is contrary to scripture but was assured that this was just. God is just.
If you are unduly worried of your conduct through life, rest assured that God will consider your whole life and the degree of sin and not just arbitrarily send you to hell forever. It seems that hell is not forever.
When saved I was either deluding myself which negates my being saved or it was a true experience and God seems to disagree with scripture.
Debate or comments.
Is hell an everlasting blemish on/in God’s countenance for simmers or do most sinners eventually get to heaven?
CS Lewis wrote, "There are only 2 kinds of people - those that say 'Thy will be done' to God or those to whom God in the end says, 'Thy will be done'.
If I read u correctly, you paint a caricature of hell this way: God gives us time (120 yrs??), but if we haven’t made the right choices by the end of our lives, he casts our souls into hell for all eternity. As the poor souls fall thru space, they cry out for mercy, but God says, “Too late! You had your chance! Now you suffer!”
I contend that this is a poor understanding of evil. The biblical picture is that sin separates us from the presence of God, which is the source of all joy and all love, wisdom or good things, etc. Only in His presence will we thrive, flourish, etc. If we were to lose His presence totally, that would be hell – the loss of our capability for giving or receiving love or joy.
It’s like in Luke 16:24-31, where it says that more than enough information has been given to people to make an informed choice about their destiny. And all God does, is as Romans 1:24 says, “gave them up to… their desires.” All God does in the end is to give them what they most want, including freedom from himself. What could be more fair than that?
Philosophically, man’s justice system works like this too: punishment last longer than the crime. It takes less than a minute to kill a man, but the punishment last a lifetime. Robbing a bank take about 3 minutes, but the punishment can last 25 years or even a life imprisonment. If a person concedes that punishment can (and generally does) last longer than the crime, his argument against an eternal hell becomes self-defeating.
From Christian POV, the idea of eternity being too long for punishment is an appeal from emotion. Who would argue that heaven cannot be eternal because God would be unjust to reward us for “so long??” I think that the eternity of heaven and hell fall and stand together – both come from the mercy and justice of God. Matthew 25:46 tells us where we go during judgment day. Wicked to everlasting punishment, righteous to eternal reward. If a Christian believes that God rewards eternally, one shouldn’t disbelieve that God punishes the same too.
"Romans 1:24 says, “gave them up to… their desires.” All God does in the end is to give them what they most want, including freedom from himself. What could be more fair than that?".
I can think of many ways to make this more fair. How about lees fire.
The anomaly that I wish to point to is that penalties fit crimes.
To take a minor sin and say that it's penalty is the same as a larger sin is unjust. The penalty must fit the crime. Scripture usually calls for closer to an eye for an eye. This is more fair by far. Scripture also says that God's will is to not lose any of His souls. Scripture also says that all of God's works are perfect. This would include our souls and natures. If we are given to do something by our nature then why would God punish a person for following the blueprint that He Himself provided. That makes no sense at all.
Originally posted by Ipirate:24/7
"Romans 1:24 says, “gave them up to… their desires.� All God does in the end is to give them what they most want, including freedom from himself. What could be more fair than that?".
I can think of many ways to make this more fair. How about lees fire.
The anomaly that I wish to point to is that penalties fit crimes.
To take a minor sin and say that it's penalty is the same as a larger sin is unjust. The penalty must fit the crime. Scripture usually calls for closer to an eye for an eye. This is more fair by far. Scripture also says that God's will is to not lose any of His souls. Scripture also says that all of God's works are perfect. This would include our souls and natures. If we are given to do something by our nature then why would God punish a person for following the blueprint that He Himself provided. That makes no sense at all.
Sins is forgiven once u declare Jesus is your lord and saviour
repent from them and don't make the same mistake...
u are forgiven..
is that simple.. why can't ppl understand this?
Originally posted by youyayu:Sins is cleared once u declare Jesus is your lord and saviour
repent from them and don't make the same mistake...
u are forgiven..
is that simple.. why can't ppl understand this?
send a post card hor ! ...
Originally posted by rlsh07:
1 john 1:9 9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
so simple
but yet so many ppl fail to understand
Originally posted by youyayu:yes...
so simple
but yet so many ppl fail to understand
Matthew 22: 1-14
1Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying: 2"The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. 3He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.
4"Then he sent some more servants and said, 'Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.'
5"But they paid no attention and went off—one to his field, another to his business. 6The rest seized his servants, mistreated them and killed them. 7The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.
8"Then he said to his servants, 'The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. 9Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.' 10So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, both good and bad, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.
11"But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. 12'Friend,' he asked, 'how did you get in here without wedding clothes?' The man was speechless.
13"Then the king told the attendants, 'Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'
14"For many are invited, but few are chosen."
lol...!! " YOUR SINS I REMEMBER NO MORE!" opps i forget what verse is that...hahahha
Anyway Christ has forgiven your sin way before you sin... God knows ur sins...frm the past and future and Christ has paid for us on the cross... therefore we are under grace and not under LAW we have no condemnation in Christ!
Ok! Bon Voyage! Pls Apply for PR! Green card holder!
Hi ipirate,
I can think of many ways to make this more fair. How about lees fire.
until you can show me how having less fire is more fair than God giving us freedom, this statement remains a groundless assertion. And a rather poor one.
To take a minor sin and say that it's penalty is the same as a larger sin is unjust.
Sin is also explained as missing the mark. Missing God's perfect standard. Either/or. There's no halfway in between.
If we are given to do something by our nature then why would God punish a person for following the blueprint that He Himself provided. That makes no sense at all.
Two queries – what is ‘our nature’? What is the ‘blueprint’ that God provided?
Scripture usually calls for closer to an eye for an eye. This is more fair by far.
What is your basis for determining fairness? Your personal feelings? The consensus of many people - appeal to popularity? Again, this remains an assertion until you can back it up.
Jesus admit that it is impossible to stop people from sinning but he said whoever made other people to sin is in for a harsh punishment.
I've been Christians for a long time and I admit I still have struggle with my weaknesses that cause me to sin. I'm ashamed of my sins but that is the reality.
Who in this forum that doesn't sin any longer? I can safely bet no one or 1 or two no more at most.
But whoever in the end condemned to hell will have to bear his shame and sufferings for eternity. No worry God is fair. God is not a man. Whoever condemned to hell is because he deserves it. In other words he can only have himself to blame.
want to go hell
then just go lar
TS has just discovered Purgatory!
All are born to sin and all will go to hell and this is fair to your God.
Not all sin are the same. To treat them as the same is unjust. Is killing the same as a lie fool?
Hi ipirate
Not all sin are the same.
Says who? Sin is also explained as missing the mark. Missing God's perfect standard. Either/or. There's no halfway in between.
To treat them as the same is unjust.
Unjust? According to whose standards?
Is killing the same as a lie fool?
To you, no (but who cares?). To God, yes.
Then your God is unjust. Keep him. I reject him.
Where do I get my standards, from scripture and commnon sense and God.
An eye for an eye. Not a life for an eye. Check your morals, they suck.
theres no heaven or hell so dun worry too much about that BUT
worry about your karma for your next life coz what u do now u have to pay back or get back later
for example if u steal my things this timein your current life, in your next life i can either choose to steal your things or u get your things stolen from other people
Originally posted by maxmax12:theres no heaven or hell so dun worry too much about that BUT
worry about your karma for your next life coz what u do now u have to pay back or get back later
for example if u steal my things this timein your current life, in your next life i can either choose to steal your things or u get your things stolen from other people
the cycle will never end. A steal B's things. next time B steal A's thing. unless we decide to break out of this cycle. just stop doing the wrong things. be the nice guy and stop the cycle, and forget about things that had happened.
i m not a christian, but imo, god doesnt punish. i believe god is kind. god should be the one teaching people to stay away from bad and not punish the baddies. those who dont stay away from doing bad things just punish themself.
Originally posted by Ipirate:Reincarnation is at best a stupid idea.
That is offending the buddhists. Though I question reincarnation I don't see the need to offend the buddhists. Christians must check their attitudes when the faith preaches love, there is hardly love from christians.
Originally posted by Ipirate:The only thing that any of us owe each other is our true thinking.
If an idea is stupid it is stupid. All thoughts here are opinion and can and are often disregarded.
It is to the reader to discern truth.Regards
what kind of oxymoron statement is this?
if an idea is stupid it is stupid.... but yet it is up to the reader to discern truth...?
reincarnation is as stupid an idea as resurrection... if you want to put in on equal terms.
both are doctrines of different philosophies.... it is not stupid... to those who embrace it.