Christianity is against global warming and darwinism or evolution.What is your view on this?Please discuss seriously.Thank you.These are false junk science!
u mean now the icecaps at the poles ain't melting?
so, venice isn't gg to be the next atlantis?
go on.. live in your little delusional world..
btw.. did you come up with this when you were chewing on that colourful blotter?
Originally posted by the Bear:go on.. live in your little delusional world..
btw.. did you come up with this when you were chewing on that colourful blotter?
... and were you going to state that human dying is a hoax as well?
i guess christianity is a general term, not everything in christianity is right, not every word those Pope said is true, and global warming and Darwinism should be seperate topic, christianity treat those scientist very cruel in history, like Nicolaus Copernicus,and Galileo, those breakthrough the scienctist find out always contradictory to christian teaching.
cracko .... lolz ...
Originally posted by purpledragon84:u mean now the icecaps at the poles ain't melting?
Yes.You have been fooled by the scientists.During the video, it is 10 degrees celcius at the poles of course will melt.But most of the time it is under 0 degree celcius at the poles.
we are just asking u to use less plastic bags.. must u go to such an extent?
we are prepared to lie to the whole world with this fake hooha called global warming, aren't u prepared to use 1 less plastic bag a day?
no proof no talk
So dinosaurs are just fabrications of my imagination?
Originally posted by Soosiangong:Christianity is against global warming and darwinism or evolution.What is your view on this?Please discuss seriously.Thank you.These are false junk science!
What do you mean when you say that Christianity is against global warming ? Are you saying that there are Christians who do not acknowledge/believe that global warming is taking place ? Or that there are Christians who are fighting against global warming by promoting environmentally friendly lifestyles ?
Then explain the cocked up weather these days....
Originally posted by Soosiangong:Yes.You have been fooled by the scientists.During the video, it is 10 degrees celcius at the poles of course will melt.But most of the time it is under 0 degree celcius at the poles.
Simi video?
Let's get straight to the point.... whose clone are you?
At this rate, maybe you can start the ball rolling by being the first to not breathe anymore. then maybe, just maybe, this earth might have some chance of salvation.never mind the christian beliefs,how can anyone just think that global warming isn't affecting the planet? that's just plain ignorance.
hmm. i'm a christian and i acknowledge global warming ah.. i even think that we're in the end times.
global warming is happening... but things will really get sucky in a few thousands years. ice cap is melting, but will also get sucky few thousand years. but there will not be much fossil fuel to burn in the next 50 years....
Originally posted by killtheink:At this rate, maybe you can start the ball rolling by being the first to not breathe anymore. then maybe, just maybe, this earth might have some chance of salvation.never mind the christian beliefs,how can anyone just think that global warming isn't affecting the planet? that's just plain ignorance.
Environmentalism is just plain Buddhism.Christianity focus more on human life than mother earth and only Buddhism focus more on mother earth than human life.
Originally posted by Soosiangong:Environmentalism is just plain Buddhism.Christianity focus more on human life than mother earth and only Buddhism focus more on mother earth than human life.
Right. Free thinker here. I'm just doing the save-plastic-bags-reuse-recyle-reduce-blah-blah-blah thing. don't need a verbal war with you...hehe
Originally posted by Soosiangong:Environmentalism is just plain Buddhism.Christianity focus more on human life than mother earth and only Buddhism focus more on mother earth than human life.
Everything still has life.
You kill off mankind, earth will be dead. You kill off earth, mankind will be dead. Nuff said.
This thread is epic fail.
Maybe thats why the bible states that there will be end of time
coz there are crackjobs like you who keep thinking there isnt global warming
Wtf is wrong with u?
Mental institute holiday si bo?