So let's testify to glorify God.
What have you lost for Christ's sake and what have you gain with Christ?
We all have to bear our cross. So what sacrifices have you made for following Christ?
And because Christ is a living God what have you gain in place of those that you lost?
I have lost a lot of my own time and $$$ contributed
to Church for years
in the end i dun know what i gain also
Originally posted by noahnoah:
I have lost a lot of my own time and $$$ contributed
to Church for years
in the end i dun know what i gain also
This is what happened if u attend church without proper understanding of Torah. If u really understand Torah u may not want to attend church.
Originally posted by noahnoah:
I have lost a lot of my own time and $$$ contributed
to Church for years
in the end i dun know what i gain also
A church is like any other organisation with ppl always being ppl, regardless.
U have the good, bad and ugly..........
Originally posted by Creation1656:
This is what happened if u attend church without proper understanding of Torah. If u really understand Torah u may not want to attend church.Tor
Originally posted by 4sg:
Torah is the scriptures that Hashem personally gave to Moses in the year 2448 after creation.
what is toreh?
Originally posted by noahnoah:
what is toreh?
The written Torah, aka, the 5 books of Moses, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy. The oral Torah is the instructions by Hashem that is passed down by the isrealites from generations to generations orally.
Creation Christianity is not Judaism. Yes it has got its roots in Judaism but it's not Judaism strictly speaking. For one Judaism do not believe in Jesus Christ.
Originally posted by noahnoah:
I have lost a lot of my own time and $$$ contributed
to Church for years
in the end i dun know what i gain also
Really I think that is somewhat common nowadays. people just lose sight of developing a relatonship with God and instead cheer and busy themselves with new friends and contacts even getting actively involved in the church organization.
Did you join the church to strengthen your contacts and make new friends or to get to know God?
It's like a mousetrap. After awhile when God seems so inactive and silent people would busy themselves with whatever else the church is offering and got lost sight of their initial intention of getting to know God.
The question was what have you lost for Christ's sake and what have you gained in place? Not what have you lost for the church's sake.
I'm not saying that every church or any church is bad no of course but people tend to lose their way by becoming too active in the things that matter less and hence thus losing the thing that they wanted in the first place that is the knowlege of God and a personal relationship with God. Having the knowledge of God and building a personal relationship with God is not impossible simply because God is the living God.
How many slave has ever become 2nd to a king in a country?
One that was Joseph son of Jacob. If Joseph was relying on his own strength would you think he would become what he became? According to human wisdom what Joseph accomplished was impossible. But it did happen. Why? because of the living God.
Do you want to be like Joseph or Daniel or Jacob or Peter or David? Or do you want to be like the Pharisee in Jesus time? Each of the former had had some personal relationship and knowledge of God while the after busied themselves with rituals and religious texts.
Sorry if my post is a bit long I just want to add this
That as a Christian having the knowlege of God and having a personal relationship with God is essential. Otherwise your life couldn't become a living testimony of the glory of the living God. What would Christians become when God is no longer with them?
How would they testify to their Moslems brothers and sisters, to their Buddhist brothers and sisters or to the Hindus or Atheist when they do not have knowlege of the living God and have no personal relationsip with God? How would they convince others of the existence of a living God? Bible texts or church doctrine? No. Outsiders do not value them. Only believers do.
Others would see that that kind of Christians are no better than them. So God, the only living God cannot be glorified.
This is not an attact intended to pun anyone. But you may take it as a wake up call.
ive lost my past wilful n insensible life but ive gain faith and disciplinary.
I've read books of what fellow Christians had to let go in order to follow Christ.
One lost her relationship with her entire family and her inheritance.
One had to endure severe abuses and being chased around like criminal in his own country for spreading the gospel.
Both have lost quite significant portion of their life but yet they both gained a lot from God too. The sister who was shunned by her entire family brought back to life her dead sister who then became a Christian. To cut the testimony short she finally migrated out from her country to Britain after healing a dying British on his bed.
There is a hefty price to pay for following Christ in case you haven't realised it and the enemy of every Christian is the devil itself who intends on making life as difficult as God permitted.
Originally posted by Cool-gal:ive lost my past wilful n insensible life but ive gain faith and disciplinary.
It's a good start ;-)
Originally posted by Creation1656:Torah is the scriptures that Hashem personally gave to Moses in the year 2448 after creation.
tot u mean the japanese....
tora..... tora.... tora.....
my family grew closer. my dad stopped becoming frustrated and easily losing his temper, and his gambling habits disappeared, he's now a cell leader, and one of the more famous ones for fearlessly of sharing the gospel and organizing alpha sessions.
i have a really wonderful spiritual family in my church. i have a wonderful mentor whom i can always turn to, and always opening up his family to me. i have a wonderful cell leader who is really like my 2nd father who takes me as his own son and his children are like my own siblings. i have a wonderful sister-in-christ whom i can share my secrets with, knowing she will always love me and never judge me, and will always be a listening ear to me. and through her, her fiance also takes me in as his little brother.
And on top of all these, i have a great relationship with a wonderful Father, who loves me and takes me as i am, who took all that is ugly in me, and i can always come into His presence.
i lost a girlfriend. but somehow.. it just seems so.. insignificant to the things i've received.
feeling so blessed now, just thinking about it.
What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ
This was what Apostle Paul felt. As someone who had everything, a roman citizen, one of the teachers of the law, holding high prestige and honour from men, became totally nothing, a lowly tent maker, while being an apostle.
Originally posted by noahnoah:
I have lost a lot of my own time and $$$ contributed
to Church for years
in the end i dun know what i gain also
$2 for 2 hours of air-con comfort in a church is cheaper than a movie ticket...unless you considered the time spent as wasted.
I've been slain in the spirit 5 times over the years but it has stopped coming after I began to occasionally skip Sunday service due of job commitment.
Originally posted by googoomuck:$2 for 2 hours of air-con comfort in a church is cheaper than a movie ticket...unless you considered the time spent as wasted.
Erm... did he mentioned 2 bucks?
put in $50, dig out $48
Originally posted by googoomuck:
I've been slain in the spirit 5 times over the years but it has stopped coming after I began to occasionally skip Sunday service due of job commitment.
Hi googoomuck, i am always curious of the act of being 'slain in the spirit', a common practice among many modern churches. What is this 'slain in the spirit' about? how can your spirit be slain? did your spirit die after being 'slain in the spirit'? what happen when u are being slain? Hope u dun mind my ignorant questions.
Originally posted by Miracles&Prophecies:
Creation Christianity is not Judaism. Yes it has got its roots in Judaism but it's not Judaism strictly speaking. For one Judaism do not believe in Jesus Christ.
Let me ask u,as a christian, do u acknowledge Adonai Elohin, Blessed King of the Universe, as your G-d and King?.
Originally posted by Creation1656:Hi googoomuck, i am always curious of the act of being 'slain in the spirit', a common practice among many modern churches. What is this 'slain in the spirit' about? how can your spirit be slain? did your spirit die after being 'slain in the spirit'? what happen when u are being slain? Hope u dun mind my ignorant questions.
Being slain in the Spirit is a term related to the Charismatic movement and Pentecostalism which describes a religious behaviour in which a person enters losses motor control over their body and falls to the floor during an event they perceive as a personal encounter with God's glory and power, usually associated with occasions of public prayer ministry when the laying on of hands is practiced.
Two times I lost consciousness when a few people prayed and put their hands on my head. I fell backwards( my body was straight as I dropped back) and was held by a man standing behind me. I became conscious after being laid on the floor. One time it was Rodney Howard Brown that did it without even touching me. It was a good feeling. At other times, it felt like a current passed from the hands resting on my head and run thru inside my head to my body or a funny sensation like something fluttering around inside my head.
Originally posted by Creation1656:Let me ask u,as a christian, do u acknowledge Adonai Elohin, Blessed King of the Universe, as your G-d and King?.
Yes but
Does Judaism acknowlege Jesus as Chirst, the Messiah, the only son of God who was born human though sinless thoughout his entire life and who came from heaven, died but rose from among the dead and now is in heaven and took up a glorified form such that no mere[ordinary] man could ever look upon His face?
If your answer is yes then Judaism is Christianity and Christianity is Judaism.
Originally posted byMiracles&Prophecies:
Yes but
Does Judaism acknowlege Jesus as Chirst, the Messiah, the only son of God who was born human though sinless thoughout his entire life and who came from heaven, died but rose from among the dead and now is in heaven and took up a glorified form such that no mere[ordinary] man could ever look upon His face?
If your answer is yes then Judaism is Christianity and Christianity is Judaism.
Jesus the only son of God? Let me highlight these 2 verses for u.
"Then you shall say to Pharaoh, 'Thus says the LORD, "Israel is My son, My firstborn.
"So I said to you, 'Let My son go that he may serve Me'; but you have refused to let him go Behold, I will kill your son, your firstborn."'" Exodus 4:22-23 (NASB)
Hashem has personally declared that his firstborn son is Isreal. Has the NT contradicted Hashem words from the Torah?.
Also, the Messiah from Judaism must be the 'son of David'. He must be the physical descendent from King David, and also a descendent from King Solomon. Moreover Elijah must come first, before the coming of the Messiah.
To quote from the NT that Jesus was not a direct descendent of King David, or "Son of David".
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit. And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man and not wanting to disgrace her, planned to send her away secretly. Metthew 1:18-19 (NASB)
The concept of trinity is also incompatible with Judaism.
"The LORD spoke to you face to face at the mountain from the midst of the fire, while I was standing between the LORD and you at that time, to declare to you the word of the LORD; for you were afraid because of the fire and did not go up the mountain. He said, 'I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
'You shall have no other gods before Me.' Deuteronomy 5:4-7 (NASB)
Judaism is not Christianity, However Judaism would acknowledge Jesus as a Jewish rabbi that lived during the 1st century.