The word "prosperity" appears numerous times in our modern English translations of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). Contemporary preachers have gotten a lot of mileage out of this "prosperity" language, developing a school of thought known as "prosperity theology." Webster defines prosperity as a flourishing, well-to-do, favorable condition: "good fortune, wealth, success." Prosperity theology is built upon the understanding that God wants all His people to enjoy this kind of prosperity. "O Yahweh, save us," the psalmist writes, "O Yahweh, grant us prosperity" (Psalm 118:25). Zechariah prophesies as much for the nation of Judah: "This is what the Lord Almighty says: 'My towns will again overflow with prosperity..."(Zechariah 1:17)
Whenever I saw the word "prosperity" in my Bible, I assumed that the biblical writers were referring to wealth and success. As an American, it was easy for me to make that assumption, since the drive to achieve these ends is so strong in our culture.
Then one day, I looked up the Hebrew word translated "prosperity" in a verse I was reading, and I got a big surprise. In the particular verse I was reading, the Hebrew word is towb, which has a much broader meaning than I realized. The Hebrew root word of towb means to be good, beneficial, well, pleasing, pleasant, favorable, lovely, cheerful, happy, comfortable, right, fruitful.
The word also refers to practical or economic benefits, as well as wisdom or esthetic beauty, but those are secondary meanings. The primary meaning is much broader than any practical benefits; biblical prosperity is everything good that comes from God=s hand. Indeed, the first use of the word towb is from God=s mouth in Genesis 1:4: "God saw the light, that it was good."
Not only does towb describe God=s good gifts of creation; it describes God Himself. In Exodus 33:19, Yahweh promises Moses, "I Myself will make all My goodness (towb) pass before you..." In other words, Moses would witness all of God's beauty, excellence, pleasantness, and goodness as Yahweh would pass by in his presence. Towb is one of Yahweh's own characteristics, not just a gift that God gives. Perhaps Paul gives the best definition of towb in Philippians 4:8: "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable..." This is the prosperity God wants for us, and it derives from being with in intimate relationship with Him.
The other Hebrew word that is commonly translated "prosperity" is salom or shalom. This word means "peace and well-being" in every sense: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. So shalom entails health, security, tranquility, success, safety, comfort, and welfare. It also signifies peaceful relationships, relationships among people that are marked by these characteristics. The NIV translates shalom correctly in Psalm 35:27: "May those who delight in my vindication shout for joy and gladness; may they always say, 'The Lord be exalted, who delights in the well-being of His servant.'" As in the case of towb, the meaning of shalom is far broader than the common English meaning of "prosperity."
So when you see "prosperity" as you read your Bible, don't think exclusively in material terms. The prosperity God desires for you is far bigger than material wealth. It is complete health, peace, and well-being. It is the joy that results from God's presence in your life. It is abundant life in God.
- Thomas Cross