does one seek God so much that one forgets other people like those close to them?
that is wrong to do.for families are also important in God's should have the family to seek God together.
That is what we call extremist.
Then there are many extremist out there
Originally posted by wilsonhao:Then there are many extremist out there
Yeah! Glad you notice!
That is impossible.If one love God too much he will also love others as much as he loves God.
hmm.. i agree with soosiangong to a certain extent. loving God, will result in loving people more. =)
but if some ppl are undesirable and bad for company, he may wisely choose not to hang out with them anymore.
also it depends on what context you're talking about.
because he has new activities, understandably he will have lesser time for others unlike the past, since man only has 24 hours. so some people might see it as less caring as he will have other commitments.
Nature abhors a vacuum. We are born with a void in our being. We can fill it with His presence or we can fill it with something else.
Nobody can deny that he is a self-centered being, especially those who do not seek his maker.
I seek people too much
till i forgot God instead!!
Originally posted by advanceparty:does one seek God so much that one forgets other people like those close to them?
In another perspective Jesus did say sell all your wealth and come with him. That means leaving everything behind to follow Jesus.
And there are few people who live in isolation for the sake of trying to be close to God. Hermits. They may spend months in a large empty monastery complex meditating mostly or they sometimes go to the forest and live without light at night. Things like that.
Just pointing out that there can be many perspective on the matter.