GEN 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
GEN 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
GEN 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
GEN 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
Christian apologists here please enlighten me on one.
For more contradictions in the Bible,type "biblical contradictions"
into the Google search box.
Please don't say that these are not contradictions, but are just
"extra-contextual" interpretations.
the version i am reading is the NIV.
And this is what it says:
as you said above, God created the earth, then populated it with plants and animals, blah blah then created man.
i think you're trying to point out that in chapter 2, that there is a inconsistancy, where God created man, before everything else. will i be accurate?
But this is what i am reading:
18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
19 Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.
so it's actually consistant. i believe the version you're quoting from is from kjv.
i'm no expert, but i think the king james version was done in the year 1611. and since the usage of the english language have changed quite abit since then, the usage of addressing others and structure of sentences etc, it's easy to misunderstand some sentences.. maybe reading the NIV will be clearer for the people of this generation =)
Maybe it's a Gideon's bible?
Originally posted by Sumone3:Maybe it's a Gideon's bible?
i didn't really check la. my ipod has kjv bible installed, so i just checked chapter 2.
so i assume its kjv lor. TS, is it kjv?
....when reading the Bible, dig a little into the background and the styles of writing. will definitely help.
definitely due to diff forms of english used. jus like thou shalt not kill that kinda language..
The basic fact that He said He's here and you can't see Him is a contradiction. He's so smart that He sent his only Son to convince you that you need faith to see Him. And dun try to understand Him cos you won't as He's more superior than you but He wants you to see it yourself and He doesn't wish to use His power to help you see things. Like dat then you will grow as a person and hopefully you made it to Heaven. But that doesn't guarantee that you will understand and see Him cos you only follow instructions at the moment and since your ancestors had eaten the damn apple, you may not need to see doctor as often but you will never be like pristine and untainted as before. And because of that, He was so pissed that He drown the entire world twice. Even if you last minute believe in Him doesn't give you salvation when He decides to press the reset button on Mother Gaia. And not forgetting that He allows some of His supporters to antagonise their dying parents at death bed to convert into His religion just so that the children will feel accomplished in spreading the Word. What Word? Contradiction by Calvin Klein.
Humans are stupid and selfish. I'm one of them.
Originally posted by nehpyh:The basic fact that He said He's here and you can't see Him is a contradiction. He's so smart that He sent his only Son to convince you that you need faith to see Him. And dun try to understand Him cos you won't as He's more superior than you but He wants you to see it yourself and He doesn't wish to use His power to help you see things. Like dat then you will grow as a person and hopefully you made it to Heaven. But that doesn't guarantee that you will understand and see Him cos you only follow instructions at the moment and since your ancestors had eaten the damn apple, you may not need to see doctor as often but you will never be like pristine and untainted as before. And because of that, He was so pissed that He drown the entire world twice. Even if you last minute believe in Him doesn't give you salvation when He decides to press the reset button on Mother Gaia. And not forgetting that He allows some of His supporters to antagonise their dying parents at death bed to convert into His religion just so that the children will feel accomplished in spreading the Word. What Word? Contradiction by Calvin Klein.
Humans are stupid and selfish. I'm one of them.
and... the Son said that, the Father is in Him, and He is in the Father.. if you have seen Him, you have seen the Father..
so, in reality, they have seen God. And they still disbelieved. =(
they saw miracles, and hated him, and gave excuses for his miracles. the most up one is he raised someone from the dead in full view of the public. But that made the authorities even more worried. The thought of meeting God is not even in their minds, rather they were afraid of losing their seat of power.
would you have believed.. if you were there? or would you be the one who still want to be skeptical, just because?
Originally posted by domonkassyu:definitely due to diff forms of english used. jus like thou shalt not kill that kinda language..
haha.. that one most ppl can still understand. but some structure of english is different, and it might take someone from that era to understand, or someone who studies language or english major or something.
dunno? stick to NIV lor
which verse says that it's ok to eat meat?
Originally posted by newcomer:which verse says that it's ok to eat meat?
when they ate meat at the passover =)
and God didn't say it was wrong or judged them for it. God's quite clear cut about what's right and what's wrong. Every action at that time was judged. Even picking fruits from a garden also got the right way of doing it and the wrong way of doing it.
When moses broke the rock in anger for the water to come out, he was judged as wrong, even though he wasn't wrong in being angry. it was the action that followed through by the anger that was wrong.. so if the entire tribe of isrealites weren't judged for eating meat. I'm sure God allowed meat eating.
Exodus 12:8
That same night they are to eat the meat roasted over the fire, along with bitter herb, and bread made without yeast.
and i'm sure that meat eating was allowed during Noah's time. during the flood. prior to that i don't know. i think can la. =)
wat u think can? is there a chapter or verse that explicity states that "and animals shall be consumed by man" or something along that line.
Originally posted by newcomer:wat u think can? is there a chapter or verse that explicity states that "and animals shall be consumed by man" or something along that line.
nope, but there's a verse which said, "What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean"
and just to seal the deal, here's a passage from the book of Acts:
9About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray.
10He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance.
11He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners.
12It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles of the earth and birds of the air.
13Then a voice told him, "Get up, Peter. Kill and eat."
14"Surely not, Lord!" Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean."
15The voice spoke to him a second time, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean."
There's a little back story to this vision, but it's not really related. I'll explain if you wish. but can you wait till after my exams?
ah i found one: leviticus - this is moses time already.
3 You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud.
can explain?
Originally posted by newcomer:can explain?
the old testament contained various verses pertaining to what can or cannot eat. the rationale for such rules has go to do with the hygiene or cleanliness of such animals at the point of time.
the passage that dumb2 quoted is usually seen or interpreted as the prohibitions of the OT no longer exists, therefore it is no uncommon for Christians to be seen eating pork or crayfish or lobsters.
there are, obviously still people who prefers to see the OT teaching is more valid.
to each his own.
Originally posted by newcomer:can explain?
hmm, the vision ah.
because at that time, Jesus already died and gone back to the Father. And the disciples were tasked to preach this good news of salvation all over the world, first to the jews, then to the gentiles. gentiles are non jews la, ppl like us basically.
so all this while, the jews considered themselves more superior than the gentiles, because they are the chosen children of God. so it's understandable that most of them naturally feel dispise for the non-jews.
think of it like, harry potter, the pure bloods don't like the mud-bloods and think that they are dirty, and don't want to mix around with them. or the indians, the north indians don't like the south indians etc.
and God cannot have that kind of attitude. So he sent peter a vision, to tell him not to judge what is clean or unclean, if He has made everything clean.
And Peter only realised it when a gentile came to him later in the day, and spoke that he received a vision to come hear about the good news. (i'm not reading the bible now, go read acts)
then peter realised what God is trying to hint to him. But point is, he didn't know, and God knew that, so you can say that God allows us to eat meat from this passage too, =)
how newcomer? does it make sense if i said it this way? =)
The basic fact that He said He's here and you can't see Him is a contradiction. He's so smart that He sent his only Son to convince you that you need faith to see Him. And dun try to understand Him cos you won't as He's more superior than you but He wants you to see it yourself and He doesn't wish to use His power to help you see things. Like dat then you will grow as a person and hopefully you made it to Heaven.
humans biological make up doesnt not enable us to see energies.unless the energy forms does sth about it..manifesting..mostly by angels on mission and demons on missions..even when u have faith you cant see God literally cuz u will die in his glory..dun believe??try go nearer to the sun..God tries to let us know and understand him thats one of the reason christ came down.. and God bother to inspire writers to write the bible scrolls. heaven was never the final destination for humans...why else he created paradise eden on earth??
your 1st paragraph is often mentioned to me by church leaders cuz they haven got a clue what they are talking about.
But that doesn't guarantee that you will understand and see Him cos you only follow instructions at the moment and since your ancestors had eaten the damn apple,
bible got say is apple mehz??
you may not need to see doctor as often but you will never be like pristine and untainted as before. And because of that, He was so pissed that He drown the entire world twice.--twice??since when twice???u ok or not???
Even if you last minute believe in Him doesn't give you salvation when He decides to press the reset button on Mother Gaia.
even if you are on the death bed and you repent your sins and accept christ and God's rightful rule, your sins will be forgiven. read the illustration christ gave on the land owner employing some men to work in his fields for a dollar. diff men came in at diff time of the day but yet all gets a dollar by the end of the and understand that illustration.
And not forgetting that He allows some of His supporters to antagonise their dying parents at death bed to convert into His religion just so that the children will feel accomplished in spreading the Word. --this is the sins of the children and their free will.(too bad didnt make u into a unthinking robot huh??)
What Word?--the word basically means the bible..though in john?? word was refer to as the christ? Contradiction by Calvin Klein.
Humans are stupid and selfish. I'm one of them.--nehphy
and... the Son said that, the Father is in Him, and He is in the Father.. if you have seen Him, you have seen the Father..
so, in reality, they have seen God. And they still disbelieved. =(
none shall see God and yet lived..think of this..u behave so much like your daddy..can say a almost perfect copy..when people see you, they will think of your wonderful,when they see u=they saw your dad literally??
they saw miracles, and hated him, and gave excuses for his miracles. the most up one is he raised someone from the dead in full view of the public. But that made the authorities even more worried. The thought of meeting God is not even in their minds, rather they were afraid of losing their seat of power.--thats why got WW1 & !! lor..cath cardinals scared to lose political with other religious war lor..
would you have believed.. if you were there? or would you be the one who still want to be skeptical, just because?—dumbdumb
haha. can erm.. tidy up your passage? abit hard to read, and very confusing, dunno which one is yours and mine and newcomer etc. use the quotation option?
Originally posted by domonkassyu:The basic fact that He said He's here and you can't see Him is a contradiction. He's so smart that He sent his only Son to convince you that you need faith to see Him. And dun try to understand Him cos you won't as He's more superior than you but He wants you to see it yourself and He doesn't wish to use His power to help you see things. Like dat then you will grow as a person and hopefully you made it to Heaven.
humans biological make up doesnt not enable us to see energies.unless the energy forms does sth about it..manifesting..mostly by angels on mission and demons on missions..even when u have faith you cant see God literally cuz u will die in his glory..dun believe??try go nearer to the sun..God tries to let us know and understand him thats one of the reason christ came down.. and God bother to inspire writers to write the bible scrolls. heaven was never the final destination for humans...why else he created paradise eden on earth??
your 1st paragraph is often mentioned to me by church leaders cuz they haven got a clue what they are talking about.
But that doesn't guarantee that you will understand and see Him cos you only follow instructions at the moment and since your ancestors had eaten the damn apple,
bible got say is apple mehz??
you may not need to see doctor as often but you will never be like pristine and untainted as before. And because of that, He was so pissed that He drown the entire world twice.--twice??since when twice???u ok or not???
Even if you last minute believe in Him doesn't give you salvation when He decides to press the reset button on Mother Gaia.
even if you are on the death bed and you repent your sins and accept christ and God's rightful rule, your sins will be forgiven. read the illustration christ gave on the land owner employing some men to work in his fields for a dollar. diff men came in at diff time of the day but yet all gets a dollar by the end of the and understand that illustration.
And not forgetting that He allows some of His supporters to antagonise their dying parents at death bed to convert into His religion just so that the children will feel accomplished in spreading the Word. --this is the sins of the children and their free will.(too bad didnt make u into a unthinking robot huh??)
What Word?--the word basically means the bible..though in john?? word was refer to as the christ? Contradiction by Calvin Klein.
Humans are stupid and selfish. I'm one of them.--nehphy
and... the Son said that, the Father is in Him, and He is in the Father.. if you have seen Him, you have seen the Father..
so, in reality, they have seen God. And they still disbelieved. =(
none shall see God and yet lived..think of this..u behave so much like your daddy..can say a almost perfect copy..when people see you, they will think of your wonderful,when they see u=they saw your dad literally??
they saw miracles, and hated him, and gave excuses for his miracles. the most up one is he raised someone from the dead in full view of the public. But that made the authorities even more worried. The thought of meeting God is not even in their minds, rather they were afraid of losing their seat of power.--thats why got WW1 & !! lor..cath cardinals scared to lose political with other religious war lor..
would you have believed.. if you were there? or would you be the one who still want to be skeptical, just because?—dumbdumb's not apple har??? Ai yah, I tio pian again....then what fruit har?? Grape? Fig? Wheat? Citron? Or durian? But hor, I never said bible said anything abt apple leh....I think you inferred wrongly. What if....just what if....the gospels were also inferred wrongly by us mere foolish mortals....and we take the wrong words as holy scriptures...just what if....then the entire fundation of certain religion will be wrong...but of course, some gods can't be wrong la...then they won't be omnipotent riao ror....right? umm...
Wow...I'm impressed by your defences...tell me something definitive abt wat was written by a god and i'll believe you. Bear in mind that we may not understand cos we are all inferior. Unless you suggest that some are more inferrior than others, share with us who they might be. Difinitively of course....
World peace...
kk. not as clear cut as maths but that'll do.
so that means i can party all my life and when i'm dying i'll just utter a word of prayer and i can go to heaven rite?
Originally posted by newcomer:kk. not as clear cut as maths but that'll do.
so that means i can party all my life and when i'm dying i'll just utter a word of prayer and i can go to heaven rite?
well, i believe so. But.. human life is like that. we don't really know what will happen. accidents in life happen, one moment you're alive and well, and the next, a taxi hits into you killing you on the spot.
ultimately, God loves you, and sent His only Son, the only one worthy enough to bear the sin of man, from the begining and the end, so that you don't have to bear it. and not just sin, but everything which makes this world imperfect and affecting us.
And while dragging that heavy cross, on his back torn up by whips, and blood dripping into his eyes from the wound from the crown of thorns. The only thing which drove him to continue walking up that hill was the thought of us, each one of us. Nails didn't keep God hanging on the cross. Love did.
you could wait until your death bed, or don't short change yourself and see how great a life walking with God is. - spoken from personal experience, and spoken from the experiences from my family, who received Christ 4 years ago
because this is what i believe - while you're staring at the valley of the shadow of death, who wouldn't cry for help? and why a God who is all merciful, whose heart's desire is to see everyone saved, wouldn't respond to that cry for help to save him?
can i just do all the bad stuffs first before knowing god? i don't want to waste the sins and vices i'm entitled to. :)
haha. can erm.. tidy up your passage? abit hard to read, and very confusing, dunno which one is yours and mine and newcomer etc. use the quotation option?--dumb
paiseh...i still new here..dun knw how or use all the quote or what..bu i will leave a gap between yours and mine..or i put your nick at the end of yours and nth at mine lor..
Wow...I'm impressed...tell me something definitive abt wat was written by a god and i'll believe you. Bear in mind that you may not understand cos we are all inferior. Unless you suggest that some are more inferrior than others, share with us who they might be. Difinitively of course....nehp
nothing was written by God literally..all authors are divinely inspired..heck, God oso only sent angels to tell the writers what He wanted to say..n of cuz we all inferior to for who inferior ar../me points to self then to great crowd..and says you, you and you all lor..
kk. not as clear cut as maths but that'll do.
so that means i can party all my life and when i'm dying i'll just utter a word of prayer and i can go to heaven rite?newcomer i said,heaven is not the final least not for most of us anyways..even if u sinned all life.but at deathbed u TRULY REPENT your sins..God will take you back to his fold. if not give u the bible for wat??