Originally posted by Chin Eng:part in bold: hard to say.... would a girl go for a weirdo?
dun understand....not having pre-marital sex = weirdo ?
Originally posted by Mrlimkopi:dun understand....not having pre-marital sex = weirdo ?
nope. not that part....
all of mr ong's posts tell me that he's a weirdo.
A message from Mother Theresa...
it is written in the bible that abortion is not to be done.if you based your life on the bible and nothing else then you shall not abort.a foetus does have a spirit.a soul is one when the spirit is in the body. a soul is not a spirit.
as much as i think abortion is wrong, i will support the right of people to seek abortion.. many think that i'm out of my mind for taking a stand like that..
i feel that without the freedom to make such a decision, we will belittle the decision made...
on a side-note, the many semi-sentient people out there seems to be a great advertisement for post-natal abortion
ho ching is a good reason for abortion
abortion is never going to be right, if it's done to abort an unwanted child from a wrong relationship (polygamy, pre-marital sex etc).
But what about for medical reasons? If it means aborting a 14 day old embryo to save the mother's life?
And 2nd question: fetus = the stage that is nealy a newborn (has the form of a baby, heartbeat of a human, and senses of a person), so they feel pain and sense sound.
people tend to get confused between early stage embryo, late stage embryo and fetuses.
early stage embryo (as early as 14 days after fertilisation) does not look anywhere near a baby, its just a bunch of cells. Its important to know the science before you discuss the ethical issues.
Which leads me to my next question, does life begin after conception? i.e seconds after the sperm + the egg
hmm, since this is after all a christian forum section, why not refer back to the bible? if the baby inside is defected, accept it. God will bless us. abortion will come back to huant the parents with regrets and sadness for life.
btw,soul and spirit is different..
Well, how many babies aborted in the world today are really aborted because of medical reasons or are most of the abortions today done "on demand?".