Well I really like the other thread mentioning about my name and therefore I treat it as a welcome for me to come over
Talking about blind faith. U really need abundant of them to actually believe in the bible. Lets just be frank here... if u r picking a book and it tells u all the story listed in the bible... then u can immediately tell it is bad fiction... Lets just say it with an unbiased heart... a book tat suddenly changes focus from the middle ? Book full of contradictions ? Books telling of a wary supposed to be good god tat curse men to die and curse men to fight with each other in babel ? Book tat shows many examples of incest (is there a book with more incest scene than tis ?) ? Full of unnecesasary violence (is there a story tat kill more people)? A book tat is sexist and force woman to take lower roles and follow all the man's word (cannot be priest) ? Factually wrong (age of earth, evolution) ? I mean wat else can u make a fiction more unbelievable ?
If u read them from a shelf, without anyone to psycho u, do u think u really u don't need to take a big leap of faith to believe in such... facinating tales... Isn't it easier to believe tis is just an old folkstory, nothing different from Pang Gu or monkey god or zeus ? If u ask me to choose between pang gu or god creating the world, I find both equally unconvincing
Lets just ask, why believe in god creating the world and not pang gu creating the world ? Of course there r people who believe god will only come out only when they have believed in it but strangly all cults members seemed to find their god after they believed in it too.
There r crazy guys who say their god communicate with them and go on a serial killing rampage as well. Maybe they r right, god want them to kill prostitue and infidels. God himself kill all those sinners and encourage people to do it too isn't it ? He even set it as laws in Dt
U know wat is the best evidence why the bible can be wrong ? The reason is because it does not have a satisfactory answer to any good question. If u look at the thread, basic questions like who create the world give different opinions among different believer. The problem is, some verse give different meaning from others or something just doesn't make sense. No satisfactory answer tat preserve logic and all verses can be found. If it is a divine book from god himself guided by holy spirirts, why make it so confusing and misleading