Originally posted by Chin Eng:
thanks for the clarification....

i was beginning to question her sanity.
Yeah Chin Eng, don't let Hello Kitty get to you. It's one of those cases where the person is not seeing your post for what it is or at least. Anyway, I think she's just more of playing around. Don't take her too seriously.
Besides, ultimately sgforums is owned by Jason. He pays for server space and all, so yeah, he is the owner. We can give suggestions, we can offer our views. And express your views and concerns you have done. Perhaps sometimes you need to clarify, but don't bother explaining yourself too much to people who are not even interested in understanding.
The very least they could do is understand the position and reasons for the things you say. To them, the only possible reason for the things you say are the reasons they already know.
What you have said, I feel is clear enough. If the person insists on seeing it in another light, it doesn't matter how many times you explain it, they will always want to bring it in a different direction. Sometimes, trying to re-explain might actually bring you further from what you intended to say. Which just might be their intention all along ( notice I said 'might'). Or understanding the point of others was never the point, but merely to rant and repeat their agenda over and over again.
I don't think what you want to say is very complicated, we are not discussing theology or anything like that. Just revisit your original posts and see if what you intend to say has been said.
I think quite a few regulars here are concerned regarding the direction of possibly the new EH. It's not about attachment to one's creation or whatever, but something concerning religion is rather touchy. Also, I honestly don't think Jason comes into EH that often so he might not anticipate as much as us quite possibly how things can get out of hand in EH.
Right now, Jason has made his choice, only thing is to see how it goes from here. Of course whatever happens, we all hope it's for the better, although 'better' might be subjective depending on each person.
I would hope things do not go out of control or out of hand in EH, and I believe all the past moderators have tried their best. Without the change in role and powers of moderators in EH, I personally don't see anything that can be done differently. What can be attempted has already been tried.
In worst case, just let this sub-forum free fall and see what happens. Maybe only if things go way out of hand beyond previous incidents will a different approach be taken. Then again, our worst fears may not come to realise for all we know.
Like how we have told some of the others posting here, let's tell ourselves the same thing. State your point, perhaps clarify it, and once point made, let's move on. Even if our worse fears do happen.