Originally posted by stupidissmart:
Lets just say I am probably one of the most hated person in EH, and when I read tat it is closing down, I do feel a bit... regretable... However the reason for closing down the whole forum, with the reason given, is escapism...
If you set about doing something with an objective, and you realise that the objective CANNOT be met, you decide not to pursue it anymore, is that escapism? I'll say that it is pragmatism.
Originally posted by stupidissmart:
There r many solutions to overcome the problems listed. If u do not want to moderate, then pass the buck to someone else. U can put 3 or more moderators, and the other 2 moderators can switch and do the job of moderation. Even though Jason is the founder of many threads, I don't see him moderate anything before. If u got other priorities, then go ahead and leave it to others to moderate.
Jason is doing things for financial reasons..... he mod or don't mod nobody cares. The main mod carries more power, hence there are some things a mod like myself cannot do.
Originally posted by stupidissmart:
If u felt tat the whole forum had become "unpleasant", then I just suggest u don't read the stressful thread and focus on creating and reading happy threads like the age of your bible, some hyms u hear or slo mo chat etc. I bet there r few hundred threads outside tis forum tat can make u faint. The way to u and a lot of others overcome it is just ignore it.
Leave the people who want to debate, debate. Leave the people who want to chat, chat.
The issue is: responsibility and accountability. The mindset of a Christian. I would not want to be in sillyme's position. One of the purpose of the forum is to help young seekers or even young Christian come to terms with Biblical lessons. When such threads get hijacked and name calling or mud slinging happens, there is a sense of responsibility to put things right. The question really is NOT the DEBATES or the CHATS. I think we'd said many times, that this is not a problem. The problem is when folks come in to provoke with rude words and ill-intentions.
Originally posted by stupidissmart:
There r many threads tat appears to be totally unmoderated and I think it is a good development. If u look at speaker's corner, I see the "believe in science and ethics thread" and it becomes nothing but a flame thread calling each other monkeys and chimpanzees. And they just let it go on. After some time people will get tired and the thread will die a nature death. Just leave it
Whether a forum is unmoded or not, it's up to that mod. Look at AA when one time not too long ago, there was a big blow up. Some threads CANNOT BE UNMODERATED. I am sure you will agree that religion is a sensitive issue, even if one calls himself and atheist (not referring to you) may not like to be challenged. That's why I totally disagree with Christians going to any such forums to whack.
Originally posted by stupidissmart:
There r always trolls and opposers and assholes in forum, even in life. Even if u close 10 threads tat mentioned the closing of eternal hope, there will be another one tat opens up. There r solutions left to explore. If everytime u face such things and u choose to run, then I think u r in big trouble.
I guess the decision rest solely on sillyme. Anyone else can take up the next step. laoda is already doing something about it, maybe dave may be next.... all the best to them. Yes, nothing changes ---- except that if you don't feel like doing something, you should not be pressured by others to continuing proding especially when one's life take on another direction.
.... nonetheless thanks for your comments....