Well, actually I'm not a Christian. So to put it in the Christian way, I'm a non-believer too.Originally posted by laurence82:you are one of the rare specie of christians
unfortunately, the rest may not agree with your points
but, well...nuthing more to say
impressive tat this is coming from a non christian view.Originally posted by Spnw07:Well, actually I'm not a Christian. So to put it in the Christian way, I'm a non-believer too.
I just think and feel that maybe humans tend to focus too easily or conveniently on differences and forget to do likewise for similarities or perhaps common values. It's just about cultivating a balanced outlook of things in life.
It's not really unfortunate that people don't agree with me. I'm no politician or evangelist, so there's no need for me to manipulate/persuade/convince people to agree with me.
As long as everyone tries to keep to the basic human belief and value of mutual respect for all despite differences, things should generally be kept peaceful, for a long time to come.
Well said!Originally posted by Spnw07:After reading some hot comments posted by non-believers in EH, I would like to share with the forum something about my circle of friends.
Most of them are Christians of different denoms and I don't think I need to keep any distance away from them just because we don't believe in the same faith. But I'm aware of the reality that a certain psychological or spiritual distance will exist between us due to different doctrines and concepts taught in our faiths. And I'm ok with that.
Like what most Christians here have said, if you don't believe in the Biblical God, that's ok. No point challenging or persistently asking for answers that you know you can't hardly accept at all in the first place.
I'm not trying to lecture anyone and I have in no position to do that at all. I'm just trying to say that let's all try to do what most established world religions have in their core values: God loves all living beings, has told us to cultivate universal love and respect, and we just try to do that till we get near to God's standard.
Let free-thinkers be free thinkers, atheists be atheists and so on. BUT..please don't forget to learn how to be a human who knows how to respect differences in opinions and beliefs, even if loving strangers or maybe yourself is seemingly impossible at the moment.
I'm trying hard to achieve that. Hope I can succeed one day.
Well, actually what you say is possible, but perhaps we can finetune our personal standards or measures of what constitutes 'perfection' in each unique aspect of our lives.Originally posted by airgrinder:Well said!
Emtional maturity and self esteem is about respecting others' opinions and views, not necessarily agreeing with it.
I agreed with you especially in your 3rd para. I used to persistently challenge and question ideas, concepts or opinions which I disagreed, not in the area of religious knowledge (I know too little to talk abt religion) but in work and in other areas.
I'm too trying hard! I guess there wun be a day where I can truly 100% succeed, i think it's impossible, but I work towards perfection.