I don't think the issue here is as much as whether it is displeasing to God, as if God would be displeased by what you wear to church.
But here are some things I think every Christian should ponder on.
1. Is going to Church about your Personal Fellowship with God? Or is it about the community coming together as one and together praising and praying to God?
1. Personally. I feel that for the Personal Fellowship, there is little reason to go to Church. Church is more about the community, mutual edification. The word Church, comes from the greek word ekklesia which means "assembly" or "congregation".
The Church has also been defined in the bible as the "Body of Christ" collectively. The Body consists of all that Jesus has drawn to himself.
2. If the Church is about the community, then all actions in the Church should point to edification of this community. In particular, the christian should, out of love for his/her brothers and sisters ponder as to what would/wouldnt stumble one another. This, each should do with sensitivity and honest thinking as opposed to self-justification.
3. Consider one person who comes dressed in a bikini top to a church service (I don't jest, I've seen it before) or in hotpants (I've seen it before too). How much edification does it do to the community? Could it stumble a poor brother who's struggling with sexual sins?
4. Personally. When I go to Church, I too, am tempted several times to go in my berms. I seldom go out in anything else :p. Then I think to myself, if I was going to meet Jesus himself, what would I want to look like? If I was going to meet the King of a country, what would I wear? If I was going for a banquet, what would I wear. When I spend so much time grooming myself for the less important functions, should I not spend more time for God?
5. Certainly Jesus sees the heart. And not the superficial. That's why I refrain from passing judgement. And imho, no christian can pass a judgement on another based on the dressing.
I think the most important thing that most people miss out, is that its not just about me and my Jesus. Church is about all of us. And we should strive to do everything for the mutual benefit of all of us and refrain from putting stumbling blocks.
After considering all this, decide for yourself what would be appropriate.