The ChristiansÂ’ argument- argument from creation
- The universe had a beginning
- Anything that has a beginning must be caused by something else
- This cause is God
Atheist would oppose and say that the universe is eternal. Never had a beginning. Carl Sagan says, “The cosmos is all that is, or ever was or ever will be. Always existed.
However, I have few ways to answer this objection.
Entropy, Second law of thermodynamics, says that the universe is running out of usable energy. But if it was running down, it would not be eternal. Something that is winding down has to be wound up.
The big bang theory.
Complicated concept. Evidence of radiation leftovers found.
Robert Jastrow, founder-director of NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space studies,” A sound explanation may exist for the explosive birth of our universe but science’s pursuit of the past ends in the moment of creation”
HubbleÂ’s law, red shift.
Edwin Hubble discovered that the galaxies were moving away from each other. The more distant the object the faster it was moving away. This indicated the universe was expanding. The conclusion, based on this law, if we move backwards in time we eventually come to a point where time equals zero. At that moment T=0, matter and energy become compressed into zero dimensional space.
Philosophical: You see it is impossible to pass through an infinite series of moments. Time is real and each moment that passes uses up real time that we can go back to. You can never finish an infinite series of real things. If the past is infinite, (aka, if the universe has always exist without a beginning) then we have never could pass through time to get to today. So time must have began in a particular time in the past and today has come at a definite time since then. Therefore the world is a finite event and needs a cause for beginning.
The conserving cause of creation
The universe needs a cause for its continuing existence. After it has come to beginning it is continuing and conserving its existence in the present.
- Finite, changing things exist. (I exist)
- Ever finite, changing thing must be caused by something else.
If it is limited and it changes, then it cannot be something that exists independently. If it exists independently, it would have always existed without ever changing.
-There must be a first uncased cause of every finite changing things
I tot you posted this before?
for your .. erm .. class presentation?
Why did you start a new thread on this? Is it to "show-off" your new revelation?
Although we have not end any discussion on this conclusively, I think many of us are not keen to talk about it anymore.
Can we let sleeping dogs lie?
Intellectual arguments will never win a soul to Christ. They need to encounter God and be reborn spiritually. Only the Holy Spirit can convince someone of Christ. But good attempt on your part. God knows what you are doing and your faith will be recorded in heaven as your treasure. We are all justified by faith. We can only approach God by faith and what is not of faith is sin.
another davidche "gem"....
locked and throw the key away.