I believe Pastor r supposed to lead frugal lifestyle. Tis is because in the bible themselves, it always encourage people to donate their wealth to the poorer people. In the bible itself jesus also condemn people who make money from religion. The bible also keep mentioning donating money during their life will let them reap treasures in heaven etc. If they don't follow these advices, then are they practising wat they preach literally ? They r supposed to be spiritually leaders and role models themselves. Is the religion suppose to generate wealth for themselves and ignore the poorer people or help the poorer people and not spurge on waste.
If u ask me, why don't they compared themselves with the lifestyle of an average singaporean. The median income of a household in singapore is about 3600. If the pastor and all the people in the household get a combined 3600, it is pretty fair enough and they r leading a normal singaporean income. It is not even frugal, it is normal and there r probably half of its followers earning less than he (if distribution is normal). If u can afford a camry or a condo with solely 3600, then so be it.
Of course any other allowances r part of income. It is silly to have a person getting a 3600 salary but a 2 million allowances and defeat the whole purpose