You know what, I thought about this question when I was writing my reply last night.
I think at the end of the day, Eternal Hope does not exist to attempt to debate the undebatables. In the past, such attempts are always futile and will again inevitably end up screaming at each other. So no point.
IÂ’m not sure why you keep referring to this topic as undebatable. Is it because you already have a clear stand on the issue of evolution that it cannot be known as a fact? Previous attempts were mostly made by people who only gave their opinions. You see, subjective arguments without any support will mostly end that way.
I think EH exist as a platform for people who are seeking Christian answer - by seeking, I am saying seeking amicably. I know who are the non-Christians who are at least friendly towards us. These folk will agree to disagree. In the case as this thread, since you have already drew the conclusion that evolution is CORRECT and the Christian view of creationism is wrong, then therefore there is nothing to discuss. May I quote from your opening line: "I believe you do not want anybody to come to a satisfactory conclusion, since most of the evidence point to evolution being a fact."
The SATISFACTORY CONCLUSION, for you, in this case, is that evolution is a fact. Therefore, since the conclusion is already presented, there is really nothing to say anymore.
So, gracefully, I feel that I want to agree to disagree and move on.
I have never said that creationism is wrong. I merely said that most scientists agree on evolution being a fact and I posted the links to support this view. Of course, after reading up on evolution, I have taken the stand that evolution is a fact. Does it mean that only people who have not taken sides can discuss a topic? If so, I guess all christians should not be allowed to discuss anything, isnÂ’t it?
The satisfactory conclusion for me is one that is drawn with the right amount of evidence. If you can present your side of the case so strongly with various references that point to evolution not being a fact and that the scientific community is, on a whole, against the idea of evolution, then that to me is a satisfactory conclusion.
If someone, say, wish to know about churches or Christian life, or Christian perspective, sure we can discuss and give our opinions. While opinions share are based on our experiences and our understand, nonetheless, they are relatively valid to one seeking these opinions. We have, in the past, many of such people, and such people know that when opinions differ, we shake hands and move on.
I have no problems with your opinions on this.
No need to get so upset. Yes, there are lots of links in wiki, unfortunately the realisation is that the links are of course based on the inclination of that particular wiki writer. To be totally objective, you should also posts the links to creationism. Unfortunately, I fear that your goal is just to present the side that you believe in. In order to spare readers the need to search: here is the wiki link to creationism: which also contains tons of links to other pro-creationism websites.
You are only half right. Most of the links are based on the inclination of the writer but they are still links to sites that are considered objective in these matters. DoesnÂ’t that still make the linked site objective? Let me give an example. The writer referenced a link to the InterAcademy Panel, where the science associations of 67 countries signed a statement regarding their stand on the issue of evolution. Did this suddenly cause an erosion of the websiteÂ’s objectivity? Your statements here certainly give the feeling that whatever the writer referenced, are totally unobjective.
Like I have said, I havenÂ’t even gotten to why creationism is right or wrong and such. My statements and links only touched on why evolution should be considered a fact. IÂ’m not sure why creationism should be given any time of our day, but if you can find links to the scientific community saying good things about creationism, I would be happy to give it a read. But I must stress that it should come from the general scientific community and not the christian scientific community.
Even if something is accepted by most scientists it doesn't mean it is correct, take the former-planet Pluto for example. All kids will now have to relearn that there are really only 8 planets in the solar system ... and how many years has it been in the textbooks that Pluto is a planet?
If you really need to know, I am NOT one of those who accept the NEW EARTH CREATION THEORY. So please don't get all up in arms and start accusing people of not accepting what you think is right.
Firstly, there are exceptions to everything. When have we used exceptions as the basis of our arguments?
Secondly, the problem here is not so much whether a fact can be changed, but it's whether people take evolution as a fact. The beauty of science is that it is constantly advancing. Today, we may consider something to be a fact. But tomorrow, new discoveries may be found that invalidates it. Just like your father. You may know him as your dad and may call him so. But tomorrow, you may find out that he is your actually your brother. (Something similar happened to Jack Nicholson: But until that happens, you still consider him as your father to be a fact, donÂ’t you?
At the end of the day, all of us merely form opinions based on what we read and understand. Even scientist are not truly sure. They are only proposing concepts and theories, and scenarios are extrapolated.
IÂ’m not sure if this statement harms or aids your cause. The scientists try their best to investigate natural phenomena through observation, theoretical explanation and experimentation. If you are putting down scientists in general, how much less do you view those christian scientists who endorse creationism based on insufficient evidence?
I am not against the discussion of the origins of earth, I am against the tone that you are right and everyone else is wrong. When that happens, it ceases to being a discussion, it will become a mud-slinging contest, which nobody wins.
If the tone of my answers is the problem, then I can change it. No big deal. But I must question why this thread, which so obviously is a flame bait, is allowed to flourish while my thread was closed in a day: think there's some bias here but I also understand that you guys are the moderaters and I am not.