What do u think of it? How should it be done? Is Pan-Christianity even important?
I more on the traditionalist catholic side on this issue. Abt Protestants returning back to the Catholic Church.
“The Catholic doctrine will have to be proposed and expressed totally and integrally: what the Catholic Church teaches about the true nature and means of justification, about the constitution of the Church, about the primacy of the jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff, about the only true union which is accomplished with the return of the dissidents to the only true Church of Christ, must not be passed over in silence or covered over in ambiguous words.” (Pope Pius XII, “On the Ecumenical Movement,” December 20, 1949)
"For if, as they continually state, they long to be united with Us and ours, why do they not hasten to enter the Church, the Mother and mistress of all Christ's faithful?" (Pope Pius XI, encyclical Mortalium animos, January 6, 192

I also feel Pan-Christianity is a horrible scenario if we have to give up our doctrines. Pan-Catholicism is better haha.
I curios to hear from u guys as well?
( Pan-Christianity - not sure correct term or not)