Evolution exists right from the beginning of life.
But why does the bible preaches 'Creation'?
In a sense, both complement each other only in the context of human creation.
Genesis 1: 27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Creation here doesn't mean that pre-human doesn't exist, and human are created out of nothingness, but rather, an intervention from our creator - God.
One thing clear that distinct ourselves from the rest of the living organisms is our seemingly advanced and developed nervous system - the emergence of consciousness, the awareness of our surroundings, and higher order level of cognition.
Simply said, we're intellectually superior in all aspect compared to the rest of the living organisms.
In fact, it befuddles people, that we ourselves as homo sapien actually exist; the fact that we ought not to be evolved in this way. Evolution is a fact, it represents the truth of life and how organisms adapt to changing environment, yet humans cannot simply exists because a very developed nervous system doesn't correlate with the then existing environment that doesn't requires higher order cognition - there is no need for the homo species to develop so abruptly in the nervous system at all! Look around us, the animal kingdom is still as it is, the basic instinct suffice their survivability, still.
Perhaps, the only species to have developed a certain degree of higher intelligence is the now extinct Neanderthal.
The point of divergence between Neanderthal and homo sapiens' ancestor occurred somewhere between 355,000years ago to 150,000years ago - this could be the time period when God created the first man and woman which results in the creation of homo sapiens apart from the homo neanderthalensis that ought to be the normal evolution pathway.
Time is rather a relative thing, and carbon 14 dating may give a rough estimate but never an absolute one. Since evolution on macroscale takes a long process, God may or may not create human in one day, but rather span the creation over a period of time. Since a day to God doesn't equates to a day to Human. (Talking about space-time here, twin paradox and stuff, my physics sucks but time is a relative thing.)
Many people has interpreted the bible literally - thinking that God has literally created humans out of nothingness, thus sparking the nonsensical creationist point of view but they never looked at the relationship between evolution and creation, but rather shut themselves off evolution and uses creationism as a means to rebuke (albeit pathetic) the theory of evolution.
For assert my point that humans undergone evolution as well as intervention aka "Creation" by God is the rapid emergence of the human accelerated region (HAR) genes that holds the key to understand the abrupt divergence and rapid growth in brain development which enables us humans to reign supreme over other animals forever.
"It's evolving incredibly rapidly," Pollard said. "It's really an extreme case." Pollard is an assistant professor at the University of California who herself developed a technique that discovered the HAR region.
Excepts from http://www.biologynews.net/archives/2006/08/17/researchers_identify_human_dna_on_the_fast_track.html
"Some DNA regions have hardly changed at all over many millions of years in most species," said Pollard. "My twist was to look for the subset of these regions that have changed just in humans."
Forty-nine regions, which the team called human accelerated regions (HARs), rose to the top of the list. Surprisingly, only two of these regions code for proteins. Instead, the majority of the regions tend to be located near genes that are involved in regulating the function of genes. Furthermore, 12 of the regions are adjacent to genes involved in the development of the brain.
The Nature paper looks in depth at the region that has undergone the most change in the human lineage, which the researchers called HAR1 (for human accelerated region 1). Only two of the region's 118 bases changed in the 310 million years separating the evolutionary lineages of the chicken and the chimp. Incredibly, since the human lineage separated from that of the chimp, 18 of the 118 nucleotides have changed. This region "stood out," said Pollard.
Could it due to purely luck that at such a short period of time human spawn out abruptly because of a need to survive (aka survival of the fittest) in a natural selection, or is it because there is a direct intervention from a superior being?
We're supposed to head into the evolutionary pathway of the neanderthals, but we didn't. We're not supposed to be the tertiary consumers, but we did. The balance of our world's ecosystems are disrupted by the existence of humans. We ruin the world's beautiful emergence of life by being a parasite that feeds onto the resources of the very Earth we live in.
We did all that not because we have extreme agility, strength but because of the ability to execute higher order cognitive ability. And all these are a direct contradiction to how evolution should take us to. Humans shouldn't exist in the first place, evolution doesn't takes us on to the path of homo sapiens but to the now extinct neanderthals.
If such an abrupt changes could have made happened, it could only meant one thing - that there is external intervention. A direct analogy could well be our manipulation of restriction enzymes that allows us to perform genetic engineering. Insertion of gene of a firefly into tobacco plant such that they glow, just like the firefly themselves - to state an example. Or the creation of transgenic cows that produce more milk than otherwise would not be necessary by Nature's law?
We were created in the image of God. And now we're doing the same thing, because we derived from Him.
Creationism, Evolutionism and Intelligent Design does not have to be at odds with each other, because after all, they all seems to make sense to me.
- my 2cents. (=