Originally posted by Raptured:
Why can't heat be the default? Why can't good be the default? A baby when born is born good according even to Confucius. Like a fresh bun from hot oven it is hot in the beginning but leave it in the polluted cold air it becomes cold & dirty.
Why should there be moderation of something good? Do u know lukewarm coffee tastes horrible? Jesus also says He would rather some Christian be hot or cold but not lukewarm or He will spit him out of his mouth. Wont u rather drink hot coffee or cold coffee but not lukewarm coffee?
As even others here say, God can create more planets for us if overpopulated. God can even create an infinite universe for all of us to stay in with unlimited food, water, resources etc. Bcos He is God!
Technically speaking, heat is not the default. Like we get heat on Earth because of the Sun, which produces heat and transmit it to us. Without which, which it eventually will die off (go back to default), there will be no heat. I am not too sure about the "good" part however. Although I do believe that it was Mencius that said that men are born good, but then again, his main rival, another Confucian scholar, Xunzi, proposed that men are born bad. Western philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes and David Hume seem to be more inclined to thinking that men are born either bad or at least not good, their rival such as John Locke and Rousseau would then think otherwise. Hot bun are hot because they have been sent into the oven, and are therefore not in their natural or default form.
Lukewarm coffee certainly taste yucky, but then there can be a fairly large margin for moderation. You certainly can overheat your coffee, drinking coffee when its at boiling point for example, is....ermm.....Ouch.
As for the creating more planet parts, well ermm... I have to give that one to you and those who argued on the infinite powers of god. But I can think of an example of "too much good".
If I recall correctly, there's a phrase in the Bible that goes like, "God saw that light was good and there was light" or something. But essentially it means that light was good and therefore god created it. Fair enough, without light, plants won't grow and there cannot be life on Earth. But too much light will blind us all, if we move too close to the source of light and get too much of it, either we become "Chao Da" or we get skin cancer. Even if the light is at the current level, we still need night time and certain time to block off the light to get some rest. If sunlight or any form of light is shined upon us 24/7, we will lose a lot of sleep and be a bit more edgy than we are at the moment.