?Originally posted by Mystix:Good post.
But I would think it would be more important to understand Matthew 5:3 of what it really means to be "poor in spirit " first.
Everything hinges on that.
I meant the part where he was appealing to the non believers.Originally posted by M©+square:?
His subject served the purpose.
Expounding on 5:3 could be another subject altogether.
I would think otherwise.Originally posted by Mystix:I meant the part where he was appealing to the non believers.
Understanding spiritual poverty takes precedence to thirsting for righteousness imo.
hiOriginally posted by Mystix:I meant the part where he was appealing to the non believers.
Understanding spiritual poverty takes precedence to thirsting for righteousness imo.
Originally posted by Ironside:check the Filipino forum. they're saying that your doctrine of salvation by grace through faith alone promotes sin. see you there
[b]Hungering and Thirsting for righteousness
Mt 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.
Our text readily divides itself into three: a) The promise of blessedness, b) the characteristics of those who will be blessed and c) the reason why they are blessed.
I. The promise of blessedness:
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.
II. The kind of persons who will be blessed:
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.
II. The reason why they will be blessed:
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.”
I. The promise of blessedness:
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.
A. The meaning of the word “Blessed”
The text that we have here is a text of promise. It promised Blessedness to anyone who possesses the characteristics stated in our text above. What does “Blessed” mean? Blessed means Happy. The text could be rendered: Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled. The text promises true divine happiness. Who are those who will be truly happy?
II. The kind of persons who will be blessed:
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.
Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are the persons who are promised true happiness. The words ‘hunger’ and ‘thirst’ for righteousness denotes strong desire for righteousness. It pictures a person in need of righteousness as if the person will suffer terribly if unsatisfied.
A. The Tense of the verbs
The tense of the words “hunger” and “thirst” are in the present tense. Present tenses in Greek are actions that are continuing and progressing.
Continuing- this personÂ’s hunger and thirst for righteousness is not a one time event only. It is an on-going and continuing desire for righteousness.
Progressing- his hunger and thirst for righteousness does not wane over time. On the contrary, it intensifies [progresses] the longer it remains unsatisfied.
B. The Mood of the verbs
The mood of the words ‘hunger’ and ‘thirst’ are in the participle in Greek. Participles are those verbs ending in ING like : running, walking, talking and etc. Actually, the verse is actually saying:
“Blessed are those who [are continually and progressively] hungerING and thirstING for righteousness, For they shall be filled.”
The use of the participle combined with the present tense with regards to the verbs “hungering” and “thirsting”, accentuates and emphasizes the kind of hungering and thirsting the Lord Jesus is talking here. This signifies an intense kind of hungering and thirsting for righteousness.
An Illustration
Picture a man trudging alone in the desert with the hot beams of the sun scorching him to thirst and hunger. Tired, weary, hungry and thirsty, he wades through the sandy desert with a heavy step dragging his body forward. His mouth is dry with thirst, his clothes are drenched with his own sweat, his face is ruddy red with the heat of the sun. Imagine his thirst for water and hunger for food. It is constant, intense and intensifying, continuing and progressing. Imagine the unspeakable delight and happiness he would experience if he found water at last. ThatÂ’s the feeling of the person here we are considering in our study. Only it speaks of hungering and thirsting for righteousness.
C. The kind of righteousness referred
Righteousness here is not just any other righteousness for in the original, there is a definite article before the word righteousness. The original reads somewhat like this:
“Blessed are those who [are continually and progressively] hungerING and thirstING for THE righteousness, For they shall be filled.”
The righteousness referred here refers to divine and perfect righteousness.
III. The reason why they will be blessed:
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.”
The reason is stated why those who hunger and thirst for THE righteousness will blessed. The reason is that this kind of hungering and thirsting will not be in vain. This kind of hungering and thirsting will be filled and be satisfied.
We have desires in us that do not find certainty that it will be satisfied, in fact many of them. But thereÂ’s one kind of desire and craving that will surely find satisfaction, and that is the desire for THE righteousness spoken of here in our text.
A. The voice of the verb “filled”
The verb ‘filled’ is in the passive voice. This means that it is not us who will satisfy or fulfill this desire. It is somebody outside of ourselves. And who do you think this person will be?
Ro 4:3 For what does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness."
God is the one who imputes righteousness to the soul desiring righteousness. It is based on the Lord JesusÂ’ work on Calvary.
Perfect Righteousness from God based on the work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross could either be IMPUTED OR IMPARTED. God however, gives us both.
Imputed righteousness is justification. He puts into the account of the sinner the righteousness of Christ.
Imparted righteousness is sanctification. This refers to practical righteousness. He makes us more and more like Christ who is righteous.
My friend are you hungering and thirsting for righteousness? ItÂ’s in Christ Jesus. When He died on the cross for the sins of sinners, He died for us so that we might have perfect righteousness. Find your satisfaction in Him. Many people do it the wrong way. They do righteousness so that they can be declared righteous by God. But that is not how God works. He declares you first as righteous before you can do true and genuine righteousness. You must first be imputed perfect and divine righteousness before you can be imparted perfect and divine righteousness.
How can you be imputed perfect righteousness? By receiving Christ through trusting in what He did for you in Calvary.
How can you be imparted perfect righteousness? By Letting Christ live His life in you.
Repent, change your attitude about sin [abhor sin and desire perfect righteousness], change your attitude about God [He should be revered], change your attitude about self [you canÂ’t save yourself youÂ’re a sinner], come to Christ, trust in Him alone for perfect righteousness!!!! What have you got to lose?