Originally posted by stupidissmart:
Recently I have found tat when the thread start to get interesting, the moderator will start to lock them out and stop discussion from continuing. The reason why they lock threads is simply because they felt the thread is going "nowhere" (Isn't tat wat a discussion is about ?), when there r probably other more senseless topic tat is free to go on. Why stop the discussion from going further ? If the truth is on your side, why worried ? Eventually the truth will shine through the clouds of confusion and show everybody wat it is. U have no confident in you supposed truth ? If u believe everything is pre-destinied, why act actively and start high-handed censorship ? Isn't tat a way of hindering god ?
On one hand christians encourage religous topics to be discussed on forums such as buddhist or christian website, where they claim the experts r there and doubts can be "cleared", and damage control can be reduced. On the other they stop all discusson by employing cheap shot moves such as this. And in fact, if I look through the buddhist forum, the only thread tat is locked is to protect the believers of mono-theist. When the debate getheated up, they just calmly answer as best as they could instead of locking theads. As such, I decide to start a thread in chit chat where there is a greater audience as well as they being more unbaised.
The part in red, no such thing la.

Actually I agree with you. Unless the topic is inciting religious hatred, there is no real need to lock a topic.
Very funny because before the last reply by the moderator, the replies above usually make much sense.
Let me show everyone:
Closed topic: Just 1 simple question
Last second reply by sgquitter
Content (snipped):
Ok, so far there hasn't been much answer from the Christians. You need a Muslim to answer your questions for you.
OneDoubleManTayar > good try. However, I have to say that the miracles and records you mentioned are highly doubtful. If you insist that we believe in the Bible or Quran, why shouldn't we believe in the Buddhist scriptures (me not Buddhist, mind you) where Buddha declares that there is no Omnipotent Creator God? Why should I believe U and not them? Buddha performed many miracles too, and these miracles are recorded in various scriptures. In fact, many things mentioned in the Sutras are very logical and convincing (more than the Bible IMO). Of coz, there are many other religions around the world, but not gonna mention each of them.
So you wanna insist on the authenticity of the Bible and Quran?
In this case, it can be proved the Bible to be false. But can proving the Bible to be a mistake prove the God to be non-existent too? IMO, yes, but you may not agree. But then why would God give doubtful stuff in the Bible?
Let's juz pick one topic - The Global Flood. It can be proven that it didnt occur. Well, maybe a regional flood but noway near "Global" (ok i admit i stole selectively from here )
blah blah ..
Closed topic: i aologise if this tread annoys some of u indirectly.
Last second reply by T-Rex
Content (snipped):
Wow, there has been a lot of interaction since I last checked! I wanted to say some stuff but I guess much of it has been made quite clear by others, I shall not try to add anything for risk of complicating simple matters.
Much of apologetics is after all, following along with simple matters that have become complex by the abuse of human reason. But still I feel I need to answer one question.
[and he goes on eloquently]
Closed topic: which PC card reader u recommend?
Last second reply by _____
This topic and the replies are obviously crappy.

The part in blue, I think the moderators should seriously ponder about it. I feel that is an attitude we can all learn.