Dun think he sound apologetic at all, somemore post this in a anti-christian blog belong to his frenhttp://gssq.blogspot.com/2006/06/so.htmlSo... am I going to hell for this?
I may be, with hell being a 3-year, $5,000 stay in a Singapore prison.
But let me tell my story, free from any third-party reporting, and let people judge for themselves what the case is like. Gabriel has kindly consented to allow me to use his blog for my "official press releases", so yeah. I guess I've to thank him, in that sense.
In January 06, I posted one picture which I found on the now-defunct hamncheez.com as a filler between my regular blog posts (hamncheez.com eventually got shut down due to the owner not wanting to continue paying for its maintenence). This picture eventually came to be known as "Police Annex A" in my case file - the picture of a zombie version of Jesus biting on a little boy's head. (MediaWatchWatch has traced the original picture, and the article and picture has been reproduced here: [Caution! Potentially seditious material.])
During this period of time, I was actively participating in a online discussion forum on international news, and it just so happenned that the Jyllands-Posten/Mohammed cartoons issue was raised.
Well, to be honest, the discussion on forum was pretty decent and mature, but inevitably, it went diverged to discuss about Christianity as a reference point, due to the link between the Judeo-Christian-Islam zionist religions. Eventually, there arose a question about the difference in the Christian denominations, to which a particular forum member (we'll call him DP) pointed out that the difference of denominations lay mainly in the different fundamental beliefs; for instance, Catholics had a fundamental belief in Mary, and to believe otherwise, one could still be counted as a Christian, but not a Catholic.
Shortly after, this known troublemaker (we'll refer to him as FundieP) replies to the post with a very confrontational tone, going "I don't see why poor Mary needs to be dragged into this, and there shouldn't be any discussion about Christianity in the first place; moderators, shut this thread down now, etc."
Perhaps it was my own experience and distaste with religous fundamentalists which turned me towards renouncing my former religion (being that of Christianity), but I pretty much jumped to DP's defence, insinuating that FundieP was a religous fundamentalist bigot who knew less about his own religion than he should be, with his blind defence of it. Eventually, the thread turned into a flame war, and it was shut down.
Unfortunately, I used my blog URL as a signature on my forum posts.
One day after the thread was shut down, I recieved a very curt message from FundieP through the forum's private message system, going "take down the Jesus picture on your blog."
(It was around that period of time when it was revealed that the dossiers circulated to the Arab world contained extra, much more inflammatory cartoons included by the Danish imams, and were never published in the Jyllands-Posten)
Probably due to my ironically fundamental view against fundamentalists, I went out of my way to find more pictures to irk FundieP, which eventually came to be known as Police Annexes B, C, and D respertively - licenceplateworld.com - picture of licenceplate saying "Jesus loves you, everyone else thinks you're anasshole"; somethingawful.com, photoshop phriday "sensational news stories" - fake CNN image of Jesus on paper (Potentially seditious link) - third picture; and somethingawful.com, photoshop phriday, "the biggest movie of theyear" - edited photo of Last Temptation of Christ, with Jesus looking at a KFC bucket (Potentially seditious link) - first picture.
So there's the end of the story, sans the Uniquely Cantoment experience.
Many people have been asking me why I decided to actually break the news, considering the fact that I could have stayed in relative anonomity, and have it eventually blow over, with the six month window for obtaining the public prosecutor's decision (Sedition act, chpt 290, 5 (1) No prosecution for an offence under section 4 shall be begun except within 6 months after the offence is committed... (2) No person shall be prosecuted for an offence under section 4 without the written consent of the Public Prosecutor).
But somehow, I'm guessing that after three and a half months, I do want to let it be known, somewhat. Because it's not about me, but for people to know where the OB markers are, whether the legal system can be hijacked by religious fundamentalists over (possibly) personal issues, and what has been done about it.
Personally, I do not have issues with Christians per se, despite having de-converted, now being a free-thinker-tending-towards-deism. And on that note, I'd definitely have to thank the number of my personal friends whom, while Christian, have been supportive of me all this while (and it's no small number, considering I pretty much grew up in a Christian environment which included my family and schools).
With that said, I'd do have to point out that the only people I meant to offend was, in particular, one individual fundamentalist Christian, whom I personally felt was an insult upon the name of his own religion; I felt him no better than the sadistic torturers in the spanish inquisition, nor the "holy knights" committing rape during the crusades. To FundieP, if you're reading this, I hope you will be able to look at the face of whatever god you see at the end of your time, and prouldly say " I have fought the good fight, I have run the race."
and amen to that.