Originally posted by laoda99:
means I am unlucky har?
or dun have faith?
which church she went?
If ur aunt really healed I would like to talk to her....
ok, Laoda, I am going to be blunt to you on this...
1) you are not unlucky, you are blessed, because as a christian, you have Christ in your life.
2) you have faith, cause God says so, cause as a christian, you have the faith from Christ.
3) the church cannot heal you, the pastor cannot make you well (unless he is also a doctor). different people have different view on faith. some have faith that says God can heal me in a mircalous way, others may have faith that God can use the hands of the modern medicine to make me well, there are also another group that believe that some sickness was allowed to teach the believers something (though still debatable). whatever your view is, do remember to keep your focus on God's faithfulness and goodness.
God bless.