Originally posted by Icemoon:
Now He is still 100% God, one with the Father,eternally in heaven.
What's 33 years to an Eternal God?
Yep, whoever said the incarnation was a big deal to an omnipotent God? Are we insisting on it on our own terms? I have no doubt that God could have done it as many times, as cruely or as painfully as He wanted.
The thing here is not if it can be done, but if it
should be done at all.
What it is, is a
scandal to us by the natural order and place we had been created and put into. Demanding that Christ be put through the worst torture that humans can concieve (thought the cross was one of them), be totally alienated and exposed to the worst possible kind of physical evils seems to me to be missing the whole point of the event.
One might as well said it was better to do your burnt offerings with exposives to blow up the lamb and doves as doing so would mean a stronger sacrifice then just mere killing and burning. No, the point is quite another, and I don't think any other death had as much death and sin tacked to it then ever before.
And it is obvious that Jesus became a different
kind of man after the ressurection, but this is all theology that is too long to go into at the foot of the post.