There was a time when I feel that there is something the Lord wanted me to do is too big for me, and that I do not have the ability to get it done, and then I was wondering perhaps the Lord had chosen the wrong person.God Bless
Most Christians will be familiar with the story of how Jesus feeds the five thousand (Matthew 14:13-21), Have anyone ever wonder why did Jesus want to test His disciples? In that know that there is no way they can feed these magnitude of people, and also He (Jesus) had already decided what He want to do before hand. (John 6:5-6)
What does the Lord means when He tells the disciple “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat. ~Matthew 14:16”? Surely He had already known that this task is beyond the ability of the disciples.
Its later that I realize that the Lord would never expect us to do the things that He himself would not had already done, but He chose to allow us to participate. Another thing is that He would not do the things that we could do ourselves, He could have, but He chooses not to.
From the story, it seems that Jesus had never intended that the disciples provide food for the magnitude by their own resources, but rather would want to show them where their focus/faith is, on their own limited ability or on the Lord who can do the task.
What is the disciplesÂ’ response? They immediately do a stock check and decide that it cannot be done. Had they put their faith in the Lord, their response may had been different.
In John 2:5-7, Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus when faced with a seemingly impossible simply look to the Lord to get the job done and not at the limitations of resources.
Many a time, when the Lord tell us to do something, we start running off to get it done, and most of the time, we try to do it with our own strength and resources, and in a lot of cases, we burned out.
Perhaps when the Lord tells us to do something, our response should not be that about our own ability or what little we have but rather our focus and faith should be in how able is our Lord. What He expects of us to just obey and use whatever we have to do what we can do and believe He will finish off those we cannot do.
Give to the Lord the little we have, and believe Him to put in the plenty He had.
Some toil the ground, some plant the seeds, some water the field, but itÂ’s the Lord that make them grow.