follow up on this event. i came across a website with someone coming against this event.
from a blog:
Since noticing and pointing out the various deadly compromises and errors found on the Global Day of Prayer (GDOP) Singapore website, I have corresponded with someone from the GDOP committee itself, Rev. Dr. Alfred Ong. However, after I have convincingly proven the compromise and errors found within the movement itself, Rev. Alfred Ong has been giving me the silent treatment (i.e. no replies, nothing) for more than 2 weeks already, perhaps hoping that I would go away like a nightmare when he is asleep. I have send a couple of emails to him, hoping that perhaps God may convict the hearts of Rev. Ong and the other committee members. Alas, it was not meant to be. Despite repeated please for repentance, not one of them went through his thick skull, apparently. It is with great sadness that I have written an open letter to the GDOP committee members and the Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore, to rebuke them for their blatant compromise.
Just to show others the proof that I have given Rev. Ong ample time to pray through and rethink his rebellion, I will now show all of us the emails that I have sent him (and also Prof. Lawrence Chia and Mrs. Emily Wong) which elicited no reply at all.
(After the reply from Rev. Ong, I replied to him on the 3rd May 2006. He has not replied since then. My next email to him was on the 14th May 2006)
Email to Rev. Dr. Alfred Ong, cc to Prof. Lawrence Chia & Mrs. Emily Wong, dated 14th May 2006
Dear Rev. Dr. Alfred Yeo,
It has been some time since our last correspondence. I have since re-checked the GDOP Singapore website and I am dismayed that there have been absolutely no changes at all, not even minor ones, in the things that are filled with error. You have similarly not removed or edited out the objectionable parts of the video on the GDOP Singapore main webpage. As it has been more than a week since my last letter, I can safely conclude that you and the GDOP Singapore committee are intent on compromising the Church of Jesus Christ by being unequally yoked in partnership with rank heretics. I am sad that you have chosen such a course of action. Since that is the case, I would proceed on to the next level. With a heavy heart, I claim the authority of the Word of God and command you and the GDOP Singapore committee to repent and remove the objectionable parts of the movie. You are hereby given seven days to think and pray over the issue. If you continue to harden your heart, I would issue an open letter showing the errors in GDOP Singapore and the entire GDOP movement, warning people against joining in it and even praying against it. We in the Reformed churches in Singapore would not forget the rank compromise and the damage you are doing to the cause of Christ our Lord. Furthermore, God will not forget this act of disobedience and I will prophetically say that there would be NO true revival through this event, though there may be a few minor breakthroughs in spite of it due to the prayers of the saints in it who do not know of your compromise.
Email to Rev. Dr. Alfred Ong, cc to Prof. Lawrence Chia & Mrs. Emily Wong, dated 22nd May 2006
Dear Rev. Dr. Alfred Ong,
I am severely disappointed over your lack of response and correction to the documentation of the many errors found on the GDOP Singapore website. It has been more than a week now since my last warning and thus I would go on to the final, third stage. Take note that I have been very gracious with all of you and have contacted you first instead of exposing the movement straightaway, which I have every right to do since your errors are public. I do this in the hope that you were humble and open to correction. I was wrong.
Here is the open letter which will be open to the public and send to at least some of my contacts. You have until Tuesday 8pm to make the necessary corrections before this will turn live.
With this done, here is the open letter to the GDOP Singapore committees and also to the Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore (EFOS).
With the publishing of this open letter, all Christians everywhere are strongly encouraged to boycott the event. Even for non-Singaporeans, they are also strongly encouraged to boycott the event if it is held in their country, since the primary problem — compromise by being unequally yoked with unbelievers like the Sabellian heretic Bishop T.D. Jakes and the Christian compromising hetero-orthodox Rev. Dr. Rick Warren, applies to the Global Day of Prayer wherever it is held. Not to mention the ecumenical nonsense in Ghana whereby the apostate Romanist church is brought back into the fold of the visible Church of Christ, at least for those stupid, compromising Protestants there. Therefore, all Christians are asked to boycott this event and have noting to do with it.
Furthermore, Christians who know people involved in this event are encouraged to write to or talk to these people and show them the errors in their way, but do so gently and kindly. Perhaps we may help in stemming the tide of neo-Evangelical compromise which is getting worse every single day? At the very least, we would have been found faithful before God of not compromising the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is the only one with the power to save people from their sins.
May the LORD have mercy on us and continue to preserve His bride the Church until He returns again. Amen.