Originally posted by Chin Eng:
easter/good friday/passover are all in the same period. Jesus is also called the Passover lamb. I believe it has it's roots in the lamb being used in placed of Isaac when Abraham was commanded to sacrifice his son to God as an act of obedience. Also possibly, the blood of the lamb that was at the door post at each Jewish household in Egypt during the last plague of Moses.
Passover is insituted for the Jews to remind them the mighty deeds that God had done to bring them out of the bondage of Egypt and to bring them into the promised land.
The equivalent for us today would be the Holy Communion, which for us to remember the sufferings, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, to redeem us out of bondage of Sin and into the Kingdom of God. His life given that we may have life, His body wounded that we may be made whole.
God Bless