Originally posted by shade343:
The church I went to discussed this with their followers. The pastor preached that anything which leads to obsession is most likely used by the devil to get a hold on the person and lead him away from christ and God. The church also invited 2 witness to come on stage and share their experience.

The critical point here is: "obsession is most likely used by the devil to get a hold on the person ". It is not gaming per-se.
Originally posted by shade343:
The witnesses went on stage and gave a testimonial on how they were addicted to online gaming that they played the game for almost 14 hours a day. They also mentioned that because of their addiction, bad things happened to them, e.g(1 of them failed his O lvls badly).
hey, cause and effect, bro. 14 hrs a day, they figured it's the devil? I'd say poor time management and poor prioritisation. I'd watched TV for 14 hrs and I'd failed my O levels too... no need for a pastor to tell me that.

Originally posted by shade343:
And somehow when they asked for help, God came into their life and helped them. One of the witness online game account was hacked into and he lost every item and equipment in it. He eventually gave up playing that game because he felt "xian".
The problem is addiction. A person can be addicted to studying and loses his closeness with God and yield the same result (not failing of course).

Originally posted by shade343:
The pastor therefore urged people to destroy copies of their online games and appeal to young fathers, who may have young childrens, not to be influenced by the game and stop playing games totally. The pastor also says self control is impossible for the long term. As online games are structured in such a way that it is impossible to gain satisfaction just by spending 1 hour or less playing it.
What do you think? Are online games evil?
Here's where I think the problem of the church when they start to meddled with such issues - a wrong identification of problems. This one of the few things I fought with in my church and with my sons' school. To identify these as firstly "a satanic" bond is really mislabelling the problem when the problem is obsession. Back in the old days when kids were failing the exams and not studying because of marbles and kites, you do not see pastors condemning marbles and kites, you get parents holding the cane and getting the kids back into the home to study.
I wrote to my boys' school to share with the teachers that when they condemned Harry Potter and Pokemon trading cards, they missed out on the Manchester United and Chelsea cards. If the boys are obsessed with ManU and Chelsea trading cards, all their condemnations are useless because they are barking up the wrong tree.
I don't play online games - I prefer puzzle games.
My younger son don't play online games - he's more into television, arts and crafts and pop music.
My older son is in DOTA - he's disciplined enough to moderate his play time, spends huge amount of time in the school website to get his assignments done. An almost straight A student.
I do not believe that online gaming is evil per se.... like anything else, it can go out of control, or if the user is discipline enough, it's a good form of entertainment.
"Those of use who goes around looking for the devil is bound to find him - even under a rock"