Here's something i got from one of my readings about G. Campbell Morgan.
Dr. Morgan is considered as the prince of expositiors of the Bible. A very respected scholar of the Bible. Some contend that it is Henry Allan Ironside who is the prince of expositors, but i have to admit Dr. Morgan is better than Ironside, at least to my opinion.
I have read some of his expositions long time ago and indeed Dr. Morgann is one of the best Bible expositors i have ever encountered in my reading. Before he preaches on a specific group of verses, you can be sure that Dr. Morgan has read and re-read it 50 times.
"G. Campbell Morgan had grown up in a Christian home, never questioning that the Bible was the Word of God. But in college, his faith was severely challenged and he began to entertain doubts. “The whole intellectual world was under the mastery of the physical scientists,” he later said, “and of a materialistic and rationalistic philosophy. Darwin, Huxley, Tyndall, Spencer, Bain. There came a moment when I was sure of nothing.”
In those days, opponents of the Bible appeared every Sunday in great lecture and concert halls across England, attacking Christianity and the Bible, and these brilliant atheists and agnostics troubled the young student. He read every book he could find, both for and against the Bible, both for and against Christianity, until he was so confused, so riddled with doubt that he felt he couldnÂ’t go on.
In desperation, he closed his books, put them in his cupboard and turned the lock. Going down to a bookshop, he bought a new Bible, returned to his room, sat down at his desk, and opened it. He said, I am no longer sure that this is what my father claims it to be—the Word of God.
But of this I am sure. If it be the Word of God, and if I come to it with an unprejudiced and open mind, it will bring assurance to my soul of itself. As he looked into the book before him, studying its form and structure and unity and message, he was amazed. He later said, That Bible found me. I began to read and study it then, in 1883, and I have been a student ever since.*"
I copied this from Robert J. Morgan.