Micah 6:8
He has shown thee, O man, what is good, and what does the Lord require of thee? but to show justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with the Lord.
I thought this lesson last Sunday to my class. I asked my students (age 11 and 12) this question: What is fairness?
Is fairness a communist concept that everyone must have what everyone else have?
Does fairness mean that everyone remains healthy and wealthy?
Does fairness mean that each of my sons have exactly the same thing?
If the answer to the above question is YES, then I am an unfair father.
My sons do not necessary have the same thing. They also do not have the same allowance. One son has a mobile phone the other doesn't.
....but I think I am a fair father.
They get different things from be because of how they have proven to handle their assets.
They suffer the consequences if they make the wrong decisions - I do not necessary have to be part of that decision, including injury and sickness.
God has allowed mankind to make our own decisions, some good some bad some bring glory to God others insulting God. Can God interfere - yes, Can God choose not to interfere - also yes.