Originally posted by shade343:
Not everything in the bible is the word of God.
Use your spiritual discernment and intuition to sift fact from fiction.
A classic liberal stand. Karl Barth, Rudolph Bultmann and etc. theology.
"how can the Bible be said to be the word of God when there are words there spoken by Satan? Words spoken there by unbelievers? Words spoken there by enemies of God?"
"How can the Bible [all of it] be the Word of God when there are obvious fictional and mythical stories there?"
all of the Bible is the word of God because it was God through the inspired writers who narrated what Satan, unbelievers, his enemies have actually spoken.
You can be sure that what the Bible has recorded about what these personalites have said are the accurate words of what these persons [Satan, unbelievers and his enemies] actually uttered.
You can be sure that all that have been recorded [including miracles] are historical accounts.