Originally posted by Ironside:
Nice insights you have there MC and Chin Heng. Chin Heng obviously God has gifted you a good wife. A suitable companion and helpmeet. Praise God.
I have read titles of books and write ups that say:
Marriage: Inmates or intimates
How to stay happy while married
and etc.
That somehow made me think: 'hmmmm what does these titles imply? Does this mean marriage is such a burden and etc."
I also grew up in a broken home. My parents marriage did not work. And i got into a serious relationship [before i became a Christian] that was a bad one.
plus, in my self-examination i think i am a person who is not gifted for marriage [i think].
One of my professors kept on saying to us that marriage is expedient to a ministry [which i don't wholesale agree. paul was single] John Wesley finally [in his forties] got married and i believe for the first time in his life Wesley got brawled by a woman. He got married to a husband beater!!!!
Right now, may God guide me to His will whether He wants me to get married or stay single for life. It's nice to get insights and perspectives though from Christians from either side of the fence from the married and from the singles.
With Wesley marrying at his forties, i'm relatively young indeed being 28 years old.
Marriages don't work because both parties do not work at it. Unfortunately, marriage is also the only not-born-into relationship that is binding. Also, in terms of proximity to another human being, it is the closest and is suppose to last the longest. Hence the propensity for problems to appear is greater than any other relationship on this planet.
The desire to work on any relationship has to be understood by all parties concern. The cliche saying: it takes two hands to clap is very true.
The titles of those books? Never read them. We may consider that the books were written for people who may either already have problems or may wish to learn to prevent problems from happening.
28 yrs is not young but neither is it old. I'd suggest keeping your options open. I have a close relative who has given up on marriage till this person met the right one at the ripe old age of 38.
Yup, I have a good companion, we don't always see eye to eye, we do argue about all sorts of things, we also try very had to be mature about the arguments. Right now, she's cooking up a storm in the kitchen..... yummy.