u dunno wat this forum is abt?Originally posted by applesweetgirl:hi!
any muslims here?
i'm doing a project on islam...hope anyone with info can help me answer some questions! thanks in advance! ^^
1. What roles do men and women play respectively?
2. any important dates in the religious calender and what are their significances?
3. most religions advocate certain desired behaviour or conduct, esp relating to work or business. give some examples, if any..? ^^
4. what are the religous beliefs or teaching on material success or wealth?
5. are there any specific impacts on businesses or work biases for aherents to this religion?
urm..about all. if you all can help, i would be so happy! thanks! ^^
dude.. fifty cent attack seah.. post ur gifs to counter..Originally posted by Sleeping Forest:wrong forum alreadi.