Originally posted by fallin:
Is the Bible complete? Are there things that God hasn't told us through the Bible?
Yes and No.
"is the Bible complete?"
complete in what sense?
if you say in everything and anything.......then No. The Bible is not a book about everything and anything. It is primarily a book about salvation that comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. It doesn't explain to us how the pyramids of Egypt came to be, who my future ex-wife will be
, the cure for Aids and etc.
If you say about everything we need to know about salvation and every doctrine, precepts, principles that pertain to Christian living and sanctification .............then Yes it is complete.
Jude 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort [you] that ye should earnestly contend for
the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.When Jude says 'contend for the
FAITH........' he was not speaking about our subjective faith in Christ for salvation but rather he was talking about objective faith, THE BODY OF TRUTH about Christianiaty.
Why are we certain of this interpretation? Look at the definite article 'THE' before the word 'FAITH'. "The presence of the article identifies and the absence of it qualifies" says the Greek grammar.
Jude here is pointing to the the truths of the Christian FAITH not our saving faith in Christ.
Then Jude proceeds to describe this FAITH [body of Christian truth or revelation]...he says that this faith is '
ONCE DELIVERED' unto the saints'
The word 'once' is actually the word hapax in Greek. Koine Greek speakers when using this word usually means finality. So the meaning could be "once and for all delivired to the saints."
What does Jude say about the Faith? it is once and for all delivered to the saints.
Plus, the tense of the verb 'delivered' here is very significant. The tense of the verb used by Jude here is the aorist tense. Aorist tense in Greek speaks of an event happening as a
single whole.
So Jude is saying here that the Fatih is once and for all delivered [as a single whole] to the saints.