1)'By analysing the text and telling you the meaning', they sort of intrepret the text because as we all know.We cannot take everything the bible says literally.
2)'Comedian style', everything he says the people laugh.After joking, he will start becoming serious
A man who earns $1000000 and only gives $2 a week to the church will go to hell, then everyone starts laughing.BUT later he says that god does not judge us like that and emphasise it with various points
3)'Tell me a grandfather story'(False and true stories), the priest will tell the congregation a story which replicates the Gospel in a way to perphaps inspire us to be like the people in the story.
4)'His own beliefs and argument', i feel this is the worse kind of sermon ever.The priest will try to impose his beliefs on the congregation and PURPOSELY intrepret the bible in such a way that it supports his beliefs and go about in his highly idiosyncratic ways.This is a VERY arbitrary kind of sermon.No use to me.[/u]
Martin Luther gave these ten qualifications for the preacher: 1. He should be able to preach plainly and in order. 2. He should have a good head. 3. He should have good power of speech. 4. He should have a good voice. 5. He should have good memory. 6. He should be sure of what he means to say. 7. He should be ready to stake body and life, goods and glory on it's truth. 8. He should know when to stop. 9. He should study diligently. 10.He should allow himself to be vexed and criticized by every one