Originally posted by happyharvest:
What is Israel's role in the end times? Does what is happening in Israel today mean the end times are quickly approaching?
two views:
the covenant camp believes that the Church is the new Israel, so whatever is happening in Israel in the Middle East does not have bearing.
The dispensational camp [the camp where i belong] believes that "Yes, the regathering of Israel again as a nation fulfills the
first stages of the many prophecies in the Old Testament about the end times. And it indeed signals the coming great tribulation and etc.
about israel's role in the end times:
two views:
1)The covenant camp believes that the Church [Israel] will undergo tribulation [they are post-trib] and from here the covenant camp divides into two:
there are covenants who do not believe believe in a literal one thousand years, hence they are called covenant ammellinialist and covenants who believe in a literal 1000 years, hence they are called covenant premillinialist.
the former believes that the Church [Israel] will undergo tribulation and then the SEcond coming will ensue and then the general judgement will follow.
the latter believes that the Church [Israel] will undergo the same procesess as stated above but will rule for a thousand years here on earth.
2) the dispensationalists camp believes that IsrAEL WILL have a major, major part in the end times. We believe that 144, 000 thousand Israelites will be saved in the tribulation [REv. 7] and they will become preachers of the word for the world and the Antichrist will persecute them, kill them, behead them and etc.
However, three kinds of dispensationalist trifurcate here:
There are dispensationalist who believe in:
1) Pre-Trib Rapture [the Church will be snatched away to heaven just before the start of the Tribulation ,Here i belong].
2) Mid-Trib Dispensationalist [in the middle of the trib. the rapture will occur]
3) and the Post-Trib dispensationalist [after tribulation rapture]
all dispensationalist believe that Israel will become the top nation all over the world in the coming Mellinium after the great tribulation as predicted in tHe Old TEstament. THe Lord will rule the whole wide world with Jerusaleme as His headquarters bringing peace, prosperity and justice to all the earth.