Eternity now?Got heaven on Earth meh?Originally posted by dadaism:Can anyone here tell me what does An Eternal Now means?
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:Than who?
p.s. this account was not created by me [/b]
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:U said An Eternal Now being in the Present Moment, free from any clingings to past and future, freed from time. HE dwell in Eternal Now means GOD live in An Eternal Now.
Eternal Now means being in the Present Moment, free from any clingings to past and future, freed from time.,,PTID5339|CHID14|CIID2017944|CPATHL3BhcnRuZXIvQXJ0aWNsZV9EaXNwbGF5X1BhZ2UvMCwsUFRJRDUzMzl8Q0hJRDE0fENJSUQyMDE3OTQ0LDAwLmh0bWw=,00.html
The Lord whom we seek is [b]outside of time, having given time as a gift to those whom he now prepares for eternity. He dwells in the eternal now and invites us through prayer along a path to the fullness of life. That path passes through humility.
Preparing ourselves for the “possibility of a meeting” means learning to silence the clamor of the age, stop the ever accelerating pace of the futile quests that so often occupy our hearts, and live in the eternal now by surrendering ourselves - and even our best aspirations- to the One who created us –and now re-creates us- in His Son Jesus Christ. It is there, in the emptied place, in the stillness of the eternal now, where we prepare a room for the King of all hearts. And, in that encounter, we soon find the longing of our heart fulfilled. Grace does not come to order. Rather, it is freely given, lavished in fact, upon those who learn to live in God and live as though God lives in them.
The sayings of 'Eternal Now' exists in all kinds of religions and path, so I am giving you a Christian perspective as this is a Christian forum.
p.s. this account was not created by me [/b]
Suicine. He rarely posts in my forum.Originally posted by dadaism:Than who?
I do not see myself as higher than anyone.Originally posted by dadaism:U said An Eternal Now being in the Present Moment, free from any clingings to past and future, freed from time. HE dwell in Eternal Now means GOD live in An Eternal Now.
Does that means U R Above HIM?
are you attaining "nirvana" for 'yourself'?Originally posted by An Eternal Now:I do not see myself as higher than anyone.
The Christian path is always through submission to God.
Although I am not a Christian, being a Buddhist we have a teaching on 'no-self', so we cannot be egotistic.
When one achieves Nirvana, there is no 'Self' at all. That is why Heart Sutra says, 'No Attainment'. No self to attain something.Originally posted by OrneryBoy:are you attaining "nirvana" for 'yourself'?
Have you heard about the Gospel?Originally posted by An Eternal Now:BTW, this is a Christian forum. I think if you want to continue this discussion better go elsewhere.