If it's really faith,
you will enter God's rest
and let Him deal with the trouble.
For we who have believed (adhered to and trusted in
and relied on God) do enter that rest,
in accordance with His declaration
that those [who did not believe]
should not enter when He said, As I swore in My wrath,
They shall not enter My rest; and this He said although
[His] works had been completed and prepared
[and waiting for all who would believe] from
the foundation of the world.
DESPITE THE GOOD news of Canaan's rest before them, the Israelites listened to the reports of giants in the land and saw themselves as grasshoppers. Had they had the faith of Caleb and Joshua they would have seen themselves as giants and the giants as grasshoppers. The good news of rest has come to you in Jesus Christ today--rest from the penalty of sin, rest from cares and anxieties. To rely upon Christ alone is no small matter. It involves your whole heart and soul. Christ is all you need and all you will ever need for your salvation. Beware of mixing any self-merit with your faith. Enter the rest of God and let God do the rest.
- David Meyer