The School of Obedience
...I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live.
—Deuteronomy 30:19
God has created us with a free will. That means that we have the awesome responsibility of choosing His way or rejecting it.
God loves us more than we can begin to understand. He wants the best for us, but His Word says that He sets before us a choice. He respects our right to choose and will neither manipulate us nor control us.
The Holy Spirit seeks to work in our lives to lead us down the good path God has planned, but if we are rebellious and disobedient and persist in walking our own way, we will be allowed to do so, even though it grieves the heart and Spirit of God.
There are many believers who have never enjoyed the good life God has prearranged for them simply because they have refused to be obedient to Him. Far too many of God's children are not living the abundant life He wills for them because they choose to walk their own way.
You will be faced with many opportunities to obey or disobey. God has promised that if you choose to walk in His will, you will walk in the good life.
Only you can make your decision.
Do This:
Choose to obey God. Choose a lifestyle of obedience, and you will experience the good life that God has planned for you.
- Devotional taken from Joyce Meyer.