Why will we wish to believe? Is science so pathetic we need to wish to believe? Science demands that we accept, if the evidence is rock solid.Originally posted by HENG@:forget it. no use reasoning with logic or evidence with them. If they don't wish to believe
what kind of reports do you read? What kind of journals?Originally posted by HENG@:For me, it was more than a "few episodes" its more like all the reports and documentries i've seen over 2 or 3 years, which adds up to more than a "few".
but science had also not demonstrated that gays are caused by the environment too..Originally posted by Icemoon:Why will we wish to believe? Is science so pathetic we need to wish to believe? Science demands that we accept, if the evidence is rock solid.
Wait .. is the evidence rock solid yet?
Perhaps if the homo gene is found, then the evidence will be rock solid.
one of the best piece of evidence is the islamic countries whereby gays are punishable by execution..Originally posted by Icemoon:science should be able to demonstrate some gays are caused by environment?
ok lah .. let's just see on the fence and be skeptical of any claim put forth by both camps.
pretty sad indeed.. but then, 2 wrongs don't make 1 right..Originally posted by Icemoon:aiyoh .. talking about intolerance .. aren't they even worse?
lets see, varied mags. economist, times, newsweek(all picked up randomly), national geographic(subscription), several science ones which i pick up randomly as well. I didn't go looking specifically for such reports. They found me, and I feel pretty convinced. If u don't feel convinced yet, then wait for more evidence to be found. But please don't come telling me that just because it has not enuf evidence for u to be convinced, it must be false ok?Originally posted by Icemoon:what kind of reports do you read? What kind of journals?
Very much worse. But such laws which states that homosexuality is punishable by death are set by humans, not the religion. And these humans r the ones who r intolerant.Originally posted by Icemoon:aiyoh .. talking about intolerance .. aren't they even worse?
Your claim can be disputed. If this snake so power liao still the dumbest .. then I think human can't have dominion over the animals liao.First, u still can't show anything tat tis snake is special compared to others. Second the snake is intentionally made smart. In fact perhaps before man eat the fruit of wisdom, maybe the snake r smarter than men. U can't prove tis poitn wrong either.
I think the onus is on you to show me all snakes can talk. After all, we can't communicate with snakes today and I reserve the right to place the onus on you since reality is on my side. Whatever theory you come out with to explain why we can't talk to snake is beside the point, to prove these theories is your business also.Lets put it tis way. I don't believe in any part of the bible and I don't believe garden of eden exists. If u wanna compared with today, then I might as well challenge u to show me the location of the garden of eden and the rest of the story and prove tatthe bible is wrong. In the bible, the snakes do talk. In the bible it does not say tat particular snake is special. If u find tat the snakes can't talk now, it just meant tat the bible is ridiculously wrong. However since we r arguing from the theological aspect o the bible, u should produce evidence from the bible itself.
And don't be a dumbass tell me what eat fruit then become cannot talk. Hello .. that is supposed to be the fruit of wisdom, not fruit to become deaf and dumb.I told u it is because of the curse by god after, making snake walk on belly and men and snake become enemies then they canot communicate. It is nothign to do with the fruit if u read carefully. Then it made perfect sense isn't it ? Snake and men can communicate, then they get cursed to be enemies then they ceased communication. Is tat too hard for u to understand
Yah you are right. But I've shown he could communicate to God via another verse. So what's your point?Lets putit tis way then. God is omni potent. Snakes can communicate (with eve) Therefore if god is really all-powerful, he could talk with anything comunicatable. Or unless u r gonan say god is not all-powerful and eve has more power than god over talking with snakes?
On the other hand, using your own argument back on you, you can't shown me they have not been breathed life into the dust. Where is the evidence? Show me show me.I think u should be the one to show me evidence sicne u r the one tat claim animals
It is not about fruit of wisdom, but that animals lack the conscious or spirit put in human by God. God breathed into mankind the neshamat, something not mentioned in the creation of animals. Animals are just nefesh chayah, or living being, or soul if you likeU r claiming tis point first. U should show me the evidence and not me to show u otherwise.
you also cannot show this snake is like all other snakes. I can't prove the point wrong, and that point remains your opinion, not really an argument as you have nothing concrete to back it up.Originally posted by stupidissmart:First, u still can't show anything tat tis snake is special compared to others. Second the snake is intentionally made smart. In fact perhaps before man eat the fruit of wisdom, maybe the snake r smarter than men. U can't prove tis poitn wrong either.
you also cannot show this snake is like all other snakes. I can't prove the point wrong, and that point remains your opinion, not really an argument as you have nothing concrete to back it up.U see, I show u some evidence, if u wanna prove it wrong u should show me back some evidence on why u find it doubtful. I show u a talking snake. U should not expect tis snake to be so special compared with the rest of the snake tat only he can communicate while the other is a few million years of revolution behind and cannot communicate. They r all made in the same day isn't it ? If tat snake is so special then it should be mentioned in the bible to be a special one. The onus of proving tat the snake is special lies on u, not me.
which verse say that snakes do talk? in the bible, it does not say that particular snake is not special either.It says the snake is special and it show an ordinary snake talking. If u think tat the snake is not special, trhen u should prove it.
Moreover isn't it strange this snake seems to know so much? I wonder whether it ate before another fruit of wisdom .. haha. Are you saying all snakes know so much, since you claim this snake is just like the rest.I am saying all the snakes then can communicate. he did not do a very smart thing either and he is in fact, pretty dumb to taut eve to eat the fruit and get punished for it as well. He did not gain anything from tis experience. Why do u say he knows so much ?
this is a sweeping conclusion. Maybe only that particular serpent was able to talk? At least the bible shows one talking serpent and you can't dispute that. Once again, we never find Adam talking to a platoon of vipers.If there is a talking snake, it shows tat snakes can talk then. In fact u do not know is there a platoon of snakes in the first place. If u see carefully, God never say tat land dwellign animals should go forth and multiply. He mention tat explicitly to birds and sea creatures only. Why don't u prove to me there is a platoon of snakes in the first place. Maybe he is the only snake then, much like adam and eve r the only men. Show me there exists a platoon of snakes first.
where is the evidence?And I will put enmity
This is not even remotely suggested in the bible. Moreover, if you maintain that all animals could talk, then why couldn't we talk to other animals now? We became enemey to all animals?Maybe the other animals is not as crafty as the snake. They can't communicate
The bible mentions about the neshamat chayim in human but only the nefesh chayah in animals. It is written very clearlyWritten where ?
evidence of what?Originally posted by stupidissmart:U see, I show u some evidence, if u wanna prove it wrong u should show me back some evidence on why u find it doubtful.
I think u get a wrong conclusion. animals don't have a religion doesn't means human must have In fact animals, who do not eat the fruit of wisdom and is suppose to be the purest state defined by god do not even pray or worship him. sn't tat a sign tat men shouldn't have a religion as well
aiyoh .. if you want to argue it the religious way .. please go and study the religious text before you shoot!I think u r drifiting far away fromt he original discussion. All the while it boils down to the above statement made by u. U claim tat god breath into mankind neshamat.
It is not about fruit of wisdom, but that animals lack the conscious or spirit put in human by God. God breathed into mankind the neshamat, something not mentioned in the creation of animals. Animals are just nefesh chayah, or living being, or soul if you like
if you want to argue it your way, it is still dumb.Then u came up with tis argument tat animals were not shown to talk to god.
You know why .. 'cos the bible did record for us what happened before they ate the fruit.
And before they ate the fruit they already could talk to God. So now they were same state as animals but could talk to God but animals were not shown to talk to God.
So what's your argument now?
Oh yeah and you are the accomplice. You instigated me to drift away and then pretended to be the good guy when I suggested we should all wake up.Originally posted by stupidissmart:I think u r drifiting far away fromt he original discussion. All the while it boils down to the above statement made by u. U claim tat god breath into mankind neshamat.
Men is special - this is reality, ever since eden when God told the couple to have dominion over nature. And throughout Bible, it is always God talking to human and human with God. You never read animals talking with God freely, or God shown to be talking with animals freely, except for a miracle. If you want to argue that animals also talk freely with God and vice versa, you have to show it.U see, the argument is not whether does god talk to animals more frequently or not but on whether do they create animals differently from men. U CLAIMED they r not, and as such u SHOULD PROVE from the scripture WHY ? SO far, u neevr come out with any evidence and want me to do all the proving. If u can't prove the above, then it can be safely said tat NOBODY KNOWS. And NOBODY can say tat men r created in a special manner which is totally different from animals. Why should I be the one showing it ? It is your claim isn't it.
It is meaningless to discuss things which do not have a basis in Scripture. You want to think animals are special then go ahead .. I'm not stopping you. But if you want to argue about theology, then I think we need to agree on certain things.It depend on your definition of basis in scripture. So far u never come out with any basis from the scripture to support yoru stand
on the other hand, if you take the opposite stand, you have more things to prove, and the onus is on your side. your argument now is you think all animals were breathed the neshamat, which is never explicitly mentioned and so you have to prove it.U get it wrong. U claim tat men r created specially WITHOUT any evidence. If there is no such evidence, it should be easy to conclude tat animals may be treated the same as men and all your arguments crash. If u do not prove it, then the best conclusion is NOBODY KNOW, and as such u cannot give your sweeping statement tat animals r created different from men[/b[b]]. If u refuse to prove, then u r guilty of making sweeping statement and as such u r still labeled as wrong
rI hope we at least agree that humans are breathed the neshamat.The argument is on whether animals r breathed the same thing, not on men
God can communicate with animals, why not He is all powerful right? But it is not mentioned animals can talk freely with God. Freely as in like Adam and Eve liddat. It is not even mentioned animals know there is God and so on.As said before, snakes can talk with men. Snakes can talk. Therefore we can conclude snakes can talk to god since god is omnipotent. Whether God wants to listen is not important. I had shown the capability, not on god's likes, preference or desire. God prefer men more doesn't means god create men differently. U do not talk with someone u do not like doesn't means u 2 can't communicate
Do you see the problem your reasoning? 'cos I could very well say the snake is SatanU get the wrong idea of who should be proving and not proving.
My conclusion is this - let's assume the author of Genesis was sane when he wrote it. Genesis showed us animals and human both had nefesh chayah, but for human beings, the neshamat chayim was mentioned. There is a reason why this (God breathed into us the spirit of life) was mentioned for human - it is to tell us why human beings are special compared to other creations/living things. And we could see that humans are truly special, even after eden or tower of babel. From earliest times men had sought to worship God but till now we not found any concrete signs of that from animals.The point of conflict is tat I believe animals and men r created the same. The only difference is men take the fruit of wisdom and god practise favourtism to like men more than other creatures. It does not necessary means tat animals r created differently. Why we worship etc, perhaps because we eat the fruit of "wisdom" and had some extraordinary "wisdom" and god had to guard against us.
what you mean why? you mean why are men created differently?Originally posted by stupidissmart:U see, the argument is not whether does god talk to animals more frequently or not but on whether do they create animals differently from men. U CLAIMED they r not, and as such u SHOULD PROVE from the scripture WHY ? SO far, u neevr come out with any evidence and want me to do all the proving.
Allow me to quote Gen 3:1 (NIV) - Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"These 2 r totally different beings. Unless one is an idiot, nobody should have difficulty in seperating the 2.
The verse tells us the serpent was more crafty and not "serpents were more crafty". And the "he" obviously refers to one serpent, that crafty serpent in the front part.
Originally posted by earthlings73:And how would you define this tolerance?
and singaporemacross also highlighted that there was indeed a teaching within the catholics that encouraged tolerance.. but somehow, most priests do not follow such a teaching..
this is exciting .. i just love talking to idiots and dummies .. don't you? I suppose you are enjoying it too, yeah?ah... I feel tat talking with dummies and idiots is a pain to the a$$. Recently I am debating with one and trust me, explaining things to him can't be more difficult
what you mean why? you mean why are men created differently?I mean where from the scripture does it say men were created differently
There is no doubt that man is special, regardless of his process of creation.If u say men is special, I agree to a certain extent but not to the point tat animals r totally disregarded. Men was created the last or him being given a breath doesn't means he is created differently from animals and tat animals r still considered to be loved by god and animals r the pure form tat god desire them to remain as such
Man was not created with the animals. He was last in the creation. His hierarchy in the creaton process is already special somewhat. And Scripture records for us the infusion of the holy breath into the man formed from dust. Ask yourself why is this mentioned if it is not mentioned in the creation of animals?
There is a lot of theology and hebrew interpretation behind the issue. Hermeneutics is involved also. I'll address your interpretation later on.
mine is the common interpretation. Christians and Jewish theologians all agree that there is something special about that holy breath. if you claim otherwise, then your whole framework must be evaluated.U know, the common interpretation used to include the earth is flat, sun revolves around the earth, prosecute lefthander, support slavery, start crusaders and inquisition. Their interpretation had proven to be wrong many times. They r probably only guessing and tat saying the breath is special is really just sweeping statement
but scripture did record the infusion of the holy breath into human. Even if there is no hard evidence, you also cannot conclude man and animals must be treated the same.But they didn't record tat animals were not given the same breath nor say tat the breath is special. Therefore we cannot conclude they should be treated differently
For the million time, you have no shown me snakes could talk. I repost my earlier reply:Is tat snake made by god ? It can talk. It is an animal. So wat is the problem ? In fact no one can proves tat there r more than a snake at tat time
I don't mean a snake is a satan and a satan is a snake that kind of thing. I mean the snake could be satan in disguise. Meaning there are some snakes that weren't satan in disguise.Tat is no evidence tat even remotely suggest as such. Therefore we cannot conclude tat it is satan in disguise. If no evidence is neede, I might claim tat he is actually god in disguise and he purposely wanna find an excuse to make adam fall.
You must explain why scripture records the infusion of the holy breath then. Why wasnt it recorded for the animals?Then u should explain why god never mention how animals r created nor claim tat the breah is specially for men. Otherwise the best conclusion is really, no conclusion
if you accept God practise favouritism, then can you imagine God creating human differently?No. Your parents could make u and your sibling the same way but they could inevitably practise favourtism to one of them. These r 2 different issues
huh what God guard against us?like how he guard us against tower of babel
That seems like a typical divide & rule tactic to me. Jumble up the languages into various linguistic families, and make each ethnic group suspicious of one another. But, thanks to globalisation these days, the world is getting somewhat more united.Originally posted by stupidissmart:like how he guard us against tower of babel
Scripture says that man was created in the image of God while animals were created according to their kinds.Originally posted by stupidissmart:I mean where from the scripture does it say men were created differently
The more I study linguistics at uni, the more convinced i am that they are all from the same source....Originally posted by iveco:That seems like a typical divide & rule tactic to me. Jumble up the languages into various linguistic families, and make each ethnic group suspicious of one another. But, thanks to globalisation these days, the world is getting somewhat more united.
Scripture says that man was created in the image of God while animals were created according to their kindsAgain tat doesn't means they were created differently. Much like there isn't any difference in making a human like doll and a teddy bear.
We never totally disregard animals. If we do, we will violate God's commandments to "rule over" nature (Gen 1:26-27). We should not rule like a tyrant but like a benevolent king.Now the issue is on animal. Regardless of whether they r well-liked or emphasised etc, they r in the form tat god had intended them to be when they r just created. If god make these animals gay, then we should really ponder on why tis is so
What animals pure form? Haha .. the bible is not about animals but mankind.
You can't use the flat-earth or geocentric example as counter-argument since it is very clear those theologians were making "scientific comments" which was not their speciality.I am talking about them making wrong statement. Whether it is science or watever, they are shown to be wrong. And they r shown to be wrong many times
Ok, if you say the start crusades and all the $$#% were wrong, then kindly tell me how were their interpretation proven wrong?No they r not wrong. It is the bbile tat is wrong. So u happy about tis conclusion ? BTW wat hapen to slavery and prosecuting lefthanders ? WHy aren't they mentioned ?
Nay .. the bible is still fundamentally a literature and not a mathematical manuscript. So i ask you again - why was the infusion of the holy breadth recorded?U r avoiding the question again. They didn't record tat animals were not given the same breath nor say tat the breath is special. Therefore we cannot conclude they r created differently. As said before, the best conclusion is no conclusion unless u prove otherwise
That snake could talk. Doesn't mean all snakes could talk.I don't need all snakes to talk to prove my point. As long as a snake talk, it prove god created an animal tat can communicate
There is evidence from the NT. Jesus' triumph over Satan's temptation was an allusion to the Fall of man. Jesus succeeded where Adam failed.Com'on, why link tat story to adam and eve ? Jesus trump over satan doesn't have anything to do with eve and the snake
God never mentions 'cos the creation of animals was unimportant. The holy breath is special, so it warrants a mention.Animals r not recorded because they r not emphasised. However it doesn't means they were created any differently. If it is so special, it would have given a great emphasis on it instead of just a brief mention. The bible itself never claim the breath is a big deal
God is eternal, so from our perspective using your analogy, God practised favourtism before Adam was even createdAnd tat is why god should never be consider as fair
Can't you see it? If mankind is created in the image of God, then the holy breath part is not essential liao (but still important). This is supporting evidence to show why man behaves differently from animals. So what if mankind is just moulded from clay and so are animals? We don't care about physicial differences.Originally posted by stupidissmart:Again tat doesn't means they were created differently. Much like there isn't any difference in making a human like doll and a teddy bear.