erm.. breytonhartge is from CHC?
Benny Hinn may or may not be God's annointed by everyone believes that the presence of God is with him. That person standing there, matters nothing. Secondly, even God's annointed is not perfect.
The right to critisize, in this case, proves our own imperfect nature and therefore, by this right of imperfectness, we do critisize either subconciously, or conciously. We either say it out, or we repressed it. When we say it out, these doubts have the chance to be clarified and removed. When we repressed it, it will be buried deep deep but still existing.
That is why many Christians go around saying "I love you, I love everyone." but deep inside, they are cursing like nobody's business. And the best part is, they don't even know it!
Pastor Kong's intentions, or so I think it is, is to repackage Christianity so that it will remain relevant to changing society yet without compromising on the biblical laws and fundamental values and faith in Christ.
The question on finances would be - what are they used for? Giving is one thing, but surely as believers, you would like to know what those money are used for, right?
For Executive Members, there is a yearly general meeting to highlight and account for Church funds and their assets. But I have never been to any of those, so I can't say anything more than my personal opinions.
This isn't simply between the pastor and God, it determines how much faith we have in the Church and the pastor. There must be a standard of accountability to encourage a transparent system, and should such a system be adapted and pushed by the Church, than it will set a good example for corporate and public governance in that nation whether it is secular or not, see Vatican, it doesn't matter.
Many Churches are one big closed book, money is, dunnoe where they end up. That is why CHC is taking a good step in those meetings, but because they are inherently going by corporate models, it won't be surprising if they end up inheritating their flaws. This part, will have to leave it to the hands of God.
Salvation by faith/grace alone is debatable. But I am not a debater, and I hate debating.. so. Go Google.
It is generally taught in Reformed Churches that salvation is by grace alone, and works will be done as a consequence of salvation or as physical evidence of grace - not the other way round but it seems very very tempting for many Christians to think the more people they save, the higher chance of entering Heaven's gates. See Constantine movie. John Constantine is one example of trying to buy his way into God's favor. I watched that recently, so I reference to that.
Just one note about the non-critisizing part - If we are not to question and rectify our doubts, how would God be able to trust us with His secrets? That would be blind faith, total dependance on God is one thing, but not willing to understand God is another. Do you think God wants a zombie for his kingdom?
A Christian disciple should by his own initiative take action to study and know the ways of the Lord, and have the judgement to discern truth from false, hersay from revelations and to promote moral values to society without forcing the societal system to bow down due to political pressure or influence.
Not to question, hide your doubts. That is hypocritism to the highest.
Is it right for a Christian to critisize others, especially the lost, while refusing themselves to be critiszed and overmore, refusing to accept that the label of the word "religion" is nothing more of a label and a secular category of convenience? The usage of this word alone, says alot about the open-heartness of a believer.
I say Christianity is a religion, and as a believer, this religion is true.
If God does not bless you for your offerings, would you continue to give or walk away?
The true believer will continue to give, because he knows that the money will be used for the salvation of others (mainly due to a emerging system of accountability) and for the good of mankind even if they don't get saved spiritually, at least they get something to eat so they can last one more day.